James Watches

Just another night at the Image or Essence awards.

Nah dude, corruption needs to be rooted out. The “what about this” bullshit and whining about tax dollars just when someone in power is being held to account is some fascist fuckery.

Good! Prosecute the scumbag piece of trash.

Team MAGA all the way

It doesn’t matter if the result isn’t different. He should have had to admit he was guilty. That is the issue. He got away with it free and clear. He got a deal, and he didn’t even have to admit he was guilty. Even worse, he went on national tv right after , bragging about how he was found innocent. AND Foxx has gone

You’d vote for her again? After all this? Just wow. That’s why Chicago is the way it is. Useful *+**% like you 

Only after you go fuck your syphilitic mother.

Lookayear..Lets keep it real here. Smollett created this entire situation himself. Out of his own scheming screwed up mind. It backfired on him. Now..to those of you who say he did nothing wrong? Please slip me the name of your supplier. YOU..are smokin some Beyond planet Sh**!

Smollett has been proven to have done nothing wrong? You kiddin me? Please give me the name of your supplier. You..are smokin some Outer Limits shit!!!!!!!!!

And Smollett may just have a point when he questions whether his being black and same-sex has anything to do with all this extra scrutiny...

Misdemeanor??? These were FELONIES. And this is a review of a crooked prosecutor. How you don’t understand this is a problem, is beyond me. Pure ignorance. 

Foxx has defended her handling of the case and said Smollett was treated no differently than thousands of other defendants in low-level cases whose charges have been similarly dropped since she took office.

Thanks Jussie!

Felonies? Misdemeanors? It’s all the same to The Root!

Sounds like a good idea when it is high profile.

It wasn’t simply lying to police. He faked a hate crime folks. I think the deal Fox made was fine but it should have came with an acknowledgement of guilt as is the standard for any of those kinds of deals. And to the folks who still think he didn’t do it you are incapable of being objective in speech or written word

You are so fucking deluded. You racist piece of shit.

You mean because he would have been tried and found guilty and everyone here would never make excuses for him.  Because instead , he never went to trial and for some reason, probably low IQ, some people believe Jussie. 

For all those who are triggered by race or police brutality, stop. Step back. And think on this. They are real things; but completely separate from this.

“decided to drop all 16 misdemeanor charges.”