James Watches

Costing her re election  should earn him praise. Not scorn

I’m sorry, lol what? What’s the Covington kid have to do with anything? 

Oh shut up. No one attacked him. 

Go on. Explain what they said was wrong. 

Pretty sure you mean, Upside down, which cane first, you weeb :D 

That whole freezing thing, is also bullshit. That is not how heat/cold works. Where is the heat going to transfer to? Space magic? Space is cold. Exceptionally so. Sure. But flash freezing is a myth. The gas in your lungs and guts would expand. IE, you would swell. Which leads credence to the idea that people

I’m sorry. You think Chicago mayor and BLACK police chief, care he besmirched maga???? Really??? He besmirched Chicago and the police. And after he was giving an amazing deal, he went on national tv to claim he was found innocent???  And you’re ok with that??? Always one of you in the crowd “but what about?!!!”

Always one of you “whataboutists” around. You don’t care if he gets away. He’s one of your own. Right? 

No, you moron. Sending fake anthrax letter In The mail, is the definition of terrorism. 

Yeah. The felonies and fake hate crime, the national media spectacle, and fake terrorist letter he sent himself is totally no big deal at all.

Lol this whataboutism is getting old. We get it. We don’t need a dozen of these comments on anything relating to this topic 

Not a single person defending Jussie, on the root? I’m shocked. There is always a few diehards 

I’m still waiting for the FBI to do their freaken job. I don’t understand why nothing has come of that letter. This isn’t just mail fraud. He faked a terroristic attack.

They presented him with two possible white suspects. He didn’t deny it. So yes. He would have watched 2 white guys go to jail. This is why he should be in jail. This wasn’t just a prank or a false police report. This was a hate crime. 

Do you not understand that the grand jury decided this? Not cops. Not lawyers. People. 

Come and do it yourself you pussy. 

You first please, you freaken troll. 

There is a different between filing a false police report, and calling the police for a frivolous matter that wastes some time. You do understand that, don’t you? Neither should be tolerated. But this man actually filed a police report on a fake hate crime, that required actual investigation and police work, and made

Yah. I’m sure the black police chief was all about putting the black folk down. 

It doesn’t matter if the result isn’t different. He should have had to admit he was guilty. That is the issue. He got away with it free and clear. He got a deal, and he didn’t even have to admit he was guilty. Even worse, he went on national tv right after , bragging about how he was found innocent. AND Foxx has gone