James Watches

Go away troll

You’d vote for her again? After all this? Just wow. That’s why Chicago is the way it is. Useful *+**% like you 

Misdemeanor??? These were FELONIES. And this is a review of a crooked prosecutor. How you don’t understand this is a problem, is beyond me. Pure ignorance. 

“Actual crimes”. What the hell do you think this was? A prank? 

You base that off of one joke comment they made? You really need to look up the definition of troll. Remember, if you keep using that word too often, it will lose all meaning. Well, whenever meaning it has left, considering troll is now anyone people don’t agree with. 

Is that REALLY what you got from the post? The guy deserves  what he got. Period. It wasn’t a simple mistake. Hell, it wasn’t even ONE simple mistake. It was multiple things at once. 

You thinks will mess with them just because they are connected to Jussie? Wow. Just wow. The guy did quite a lot of things wrong. That is why they got him. Not because they were out to get Jussie connections. 

Why drop the charges??? That’s what we all want to know!  All the evidence released goes against your narrative. Trumped up? Why, because you want it to be? The charges were real. Grand jury agreed. 

Your TDS is showing. Seek professional help. 

How sad of a person you are 

What are you going on about 

Except you, would not have benifited from it. HE WOULD. Do you really not see the difference? We sad as your anecdote is, it’s 50 years ago. Completely different time. You were a child. You had no way of showing anything, unfortunately. Those cops were assholes, but what else could they do? Should have said you lied

His race has nothing to do with anything. If he was poor and unknown, he would be in jail, and YOU KNOW THAT. 

Dara leaving out details to make the case for Jussie appear better? You don’t say


The brothers said they did it. Are you trying to claim that they are lying about being guilty?? Really???

You just sound ignorant. 

It IS a thing, and unlike trump, there is actual evidence of his guilt. 

BULL. you have absolutely no clue what happened. Zero. Zilch. The police chief was blindsided. Even the DA said there was enough evidence. Can’t wait to see you eat crow when the case gets released. 

It is still a thing. It’s still an issue. He still claims innocence. And we Still need to know how it all got dropped. You’re the only one trolling. Wanting truth, isn’t trolling.