The police weren’t the ones to drop the charges. And now that the case is being unsealed, you’ll get to eat that crow. They didn’t botch anything. They were blindsided by the DA.
The police weren’t the ones to drop the charges. And now that the case is being unsealed, you’ll get to eat that crow. They didn’t botch anything. They were blindsided by the DA.
You can’t legally buy weapons from out of state. Doing so, IS A CRIME, just as having the gun in Chicago, IS A CRIME. Gun laws don’t stop criminals from committing crimes. How is this hard to get? And the fact that black Americans have homicide numbers HIGHER than white Americans, despite having 1/4 of the…
Seriously? Hosting a press conference to declare you’re innocent, after you were giving a once in a life time deal, that in NO WAY exonerated you? You don’t think that disqualifies someone from trying to claim “privacy”? Sorry. No. If he just disappeared, fine. But he went on national tv to rub it in their faces.
Sunshine is the best disinfectant.
Amazing how this website loves erasing peoples posts or keeping them in pending forever.
Ok? And? A record would have been for Jussies own food too.
Dui AND lying to the cops. He literally had a criminal history of lying to the cops, and people are trying to claim he has no history.
As well as having a record? But Jussie gets his record expunged?
What’s with white chicks always feeling like they have to be the defenders of all things black America? Your white guilt is showing.
You can’t be serious. So are you some how in the know? Because none of us saw the case, because the info was sealed. The DA and the police both said there was enough evidence to prosecute. But you still believe him???
It’s a charge for every time he lied to cops. How do you not get this? The grand jury decided on those charges.
Because the dozen or so instances of that a year, doesn’t compare to the 100’s of incidences a year of black on black crime? You really think cops are the biggest problem? Black homicides are higher than whites and whites out number black peoples 4:1. You don’t see that as a problem?
Dara. You’re a coward for erasing my comments. I’ve said nothing wrong.
They keep erasing my comment. So I’ll just comment again. Stop making this about race. He’s as much white as he is black.
Umm, to your last statment, showing your ignorance of the criminal justice system. Do you not understand that’s what the grand jury did? Or do you think someone got to the jury?
He is as much Jewish and white as he is black. They are trying to nail the black guy just as much as they are trying to nail the white guy.
He’s as much Jewish and white as he is a black guy. So, why focusing on the black part? Oh yeah. Because the black part is what for him off?
Jesus. You sound like you’re in a cult.
No matter how many times I respond to you, my comment gets deleted. How tolerant of the site.
A week later and your comment is still pending. Ok then.