James Watches

Wow. This page deletes comments... keep dismissing MAGA people. Worked soooo well for you in 2016 

Auditions? He has a year long contract that doesn’t require him to act . He’s not doing anything

LOL color of the law. Yeah ok. Again, we are in 2019. Let’s stick with what she happening in the past couple decades at least. 

It wasn’t impromper, until after she was asked that, she still kept the case and than erased all charges and sealed the case and cleaned his record. You don’t get that? 

Something about Jussie that brings out all the bigots and race baiters.

Where? You can’t be serious.  No. It’s not wrecking my life. Why do YOU care? Is it wrecking YOUR life? 

Lol going to a court date for even a minor ticket for us normal people, is more of a hardship, than him having to travel to Chicago. He has no work to do. He has money. And time. I’m sorry that I don’t feel bad for him. 

You have to go back 30-40 years to make your point? 

We will leave him alone as soon as he apologizes. How is that hard for you to understand? He’s still going around claiming people attacked him, and claiming the DA and Police are liars. But no no, we should just let him be....

Had to go 30-40 years in time for that whataboutism huh? 

You really think that’s all he did? After all this, that’s all you blame him for? Wow. Just wow. 

How cute lol thinking he has a choice the matter. Getting off Scott free even with the DA admiting be is guilty, and still can’t shut his mouth? You experienced a modern day judicial miracle. Shut up and disappear. 

Make a national scene. Get your victim status Displayed for days by national media, and then be proven to be a liar, and you’ll get the same amount of outrage. 

Yeah. Because the mayor and the police chief, and the judge, are totally on the right

I wonder who paid him off. What was the reason for dropping the request he was as completely valid a month ago? 

Being called gay, when you’re not gay, is defamatory . How is it not? Let’s say you’re married and someone claims you had gay sex with them. Think that would defame you a bit??? Do you think such a thing would  cause you harm?

Finally.  Not a single comment on a root article, is defending Jussie. 

Two men jumped him. He left that beating, with one scratch on his cheek, and never dropped his subway sandwich. Some people will just defend him no matter what. It’s sad 

Then you’re ignorant. 

Not treated like the crime drama of the century? Might want to look at previous root reporting of this crime, when you still thought it was evil hateful white supremacy trump supporters that committed a hate crime against poor black gay Jussie. But oh no, NOW it’s not important? Sure sure.