James Watches

Do you not understand that they will be suing for TRIPLE that cost? Not to mention, you can recoup the costs of suing  him ? No , I doubt you do. 

That’s quite poetic, considering this writer would never in her life admit to watching one second of Fox News. 


Ugh. No. It’s not fine for white people either, but this race baiter created a national hate crime hoax and then had his rich and powerful friends get him out of it, and still claims he’s innocent. The fact that you can defend him, just because you share skin colors, is disgusting. Truly 

So you’re just going to ignore the black police chief that started this all? You’re going to pretend like Foxx actually did a good job?

Standing ovation for you. I doubt the mods will allow this to be posted. Will remain pending forever. 

What you said is literally false. A complete and total lie. 

Seriously? Many tv production companies and other such companies have ethics clauses in their contracts. So yes, they literally can control what their employees do on their free time. And no they aren’t wanting to take the tax incentive  away. They want the guy to not be hired by them.  One doesn’t have to happen for

95% of black folks are shot by each other. More cops are shot by black folks than innocent black folks shot by cops. Let’s not pretend to be outraged. 

Ugh. No. A civil suit would allow for the case information to be unsealed, so that this lowlife doesn’t get away with this crime while still claiming he’s innocenf. 

No. I’m not high. They have stacks of evidence against him. They know he did it. The dumbass in the DA’s office messed up and even they said they would win the case. You do know that civil cases happen after not guilty verdicts all the time, right????

Yeah? How many of those in the last few decades??? Was there proof they faked the crime? Because if so, then yeah, they should be arrested too. But sure, It’s ok for you that Jussie gets away with it, because white people have. And it’s black people that are also pissed off about this. Maybe not people that read

Yeah, can’t punish the guy that had all charges dropped and we can’t even take it to trial to find out. The police have all the evidence and know he did it. But sure sure. Innocent until proven guilty 

You really don’t see the difference between filing a false police report for a fake hate crime, and being an idiot that doesn’t understands what is worth calling the cops for? One is illegal. One is stupid but not illegal. 

He still claims he is  innocent, so there are two hate crime assaulters free. Shouldn’t we get to the bottom of that? Aren’t you at all curious how 16 felony counts got magically dropped? 

EVERYONE is mad. Black people are mad too. He made them look bad. Do you not understand this? Trump supporters are laughing their asses off because they know this actually makes it worse for him. 

The charges were dropped and no one understand why. A civil suit is the only way to get the information out, that was SEALED, with his record completely erased. That’s what’s going on here. You’re disgusted by it huh? Are you disgusted by him making black peoples and gays oook bad, and lying, and all charges being

Yaah? And? You say that like you made some amazing point. 

The police didn’t choose not too. The mayor didn’t choose not to. The prosecutor did. If either of the first two had a say, they would have chosen to prosecute and they still want to. So no, they are fully in their right to charge him with the costs