
No true Ridley Scottsman. “I would never do a super hero movie, my movies are better than those!” “But if I did, it would be so well written it wouldn’t be a super hero movie.”

Not to say that superhero movies are bad, or that they can’t be well written. But I understand what Ridley Scott is saying. “Magical dudes in personalized themed costumes fist-fighting” is a weird thing to anchor multiple blockbusters per year around.

Now THIS is a Hot Take. Slow. Clap.

ah, ok I missed the windsurfing bit.

surfing builds that much upper body strength?

also, turbo is sideways.

at least it’s a German bolt and not Italian.

all ugly things are ugly. well said.

Too busy. Too many bolts. Polished and matte finishes clash.

Faraday’s on fire. He brought the Ferrari magic, now what more is there for dear Marco to do?

I was thinking the same. cool work on the engine, but that intake is downright painful to look at. I feel like they are there more just placeholders.

I believe the campaign is really short though, like 5 hours.

Jarring is exactly the word I would use for both Tarkin and Leia. It’s interesting that you got it from the pilots. It’s not so much that they’re bad, it’s that you’re juxtaposing what’s real and something that just doesn’t match, whether it’s cgi, old footage, or what have you.

I saw the same thing.

OMG spoilers! jk I don’t read.

Holy shit! I just realized the hectopods are the Guild navigators from Dune! Adams wasn’t breathing hectopod fart, she was breathing the Spice! And that’s why the aliens live in a glass jar and can get in your head and can navigate space! The spice must flow! Long live the fighters!

Right. I still understand that it’s fishy as shell to give competitive advantages with so little to back up the business plan, and it could be that much more realistic companies were denied similar requests by Nevada. So yes, even though there could have been back room dealing, I’m just not sure what, beyond tax

so if the war thing was cinegenic, what was the central conflict in the short story, or was there any?

To be clear, has Nevada actually given this pretend company anything other than promises that if you succeed in getting jobs we’ll give you a tax break? Whether in the form of cash or infrastructure (roads, sewage, power, etc.).