Scandinavia is a lot warmer than you guys think. The gulf stream helps as keep warm. In Denmark and southern Sweden where most of us live, snowfall is even quite rare. Looking at climate charts, Michigan’s continental climate seem to be a lot closer to Ukraine or western Russia.
Emissions. It’s all about emissions. Open deck blocks are far more emissions friendly due to the need to accurately regulate cylinder temp. More to the point, for stock performance with modern controls open deck is better. You have a larger amount of possible coolant flow to better control cylinder temperatures within…
I cannot agree about the 996. The gauges are actually easier to take in at a glance in that configuration, and the whole interior feels just so much more comfortable than the previous generations, and not so angular and blocky like those that came after it.
You have to choose it in a different color than diarrhea brown…
Crimpin ain’t easy,but somebody gotta do it!
It takes an impressive level of stupidity to shout “Build the Wall” at an Indigenous People’s March...
Maybe access is garbage but the packaging is good because they got so much stuff in that space?
I was not very clear — on the one hand, I am skeptical of these early reviews, when nobody has had significant seat time, and sometimes back-to-back comparisons are more informative. On the other, I have read that the new M5 is way better than the regular 5 series (especially important when it comes to M550 vs M5) in…
Here’s my broken record moment:
Counterpoint: The RENESIS made almost as much horsepower naturally-aspirated (235HP) as the 13B-REW did with two turbos (255HP), and handily outpowered the single turbo 13B-T (185HP).
The Bezos Texts/pictures were leaked to the National Enquirer because they love Trump and Trump hates Bezos. I think that angle needs to be the focus rather than what Bezos looks like. The fact that a sitting president is using his influence to facilitate a stupid vendetta is very unsettling to say the least.
I guess my question at this point is... what exactly do you want here by continuing to grind this axe?
Not really seeing how this is ghoulish. You gotta pay your taxes. Dying doesn’t erase your debt.
Look, I don’t like the woman — at all!!! — but this type of post seems a little low. I like the gossip stuff on this site and the beauty stuff and the fashion stuff and other stuff on The Root, Lifehacker, The Takeout, etc, however, I don’t like it when women are mocked. There have been times when her fashion choices…
I was going to put in that they partnered up with Williams but I wanted to keep things short, plus it’s in one of the development videos embedded in the post. And yes! They did do the sawing in half Rover V8 thing also, which I was also going to mention but didn’t want in too many details or else people would be…
What I’m astounded to have learned from the third video and the video racingmaniac has posted is that the cars were right-hand drive but fitted with dashboards from left-hand drive models. I thought it was to give a clearer view of the road but the dash doesn’t seem to extend above the bottom of the windscreen.…