
jesus those heads are huge...

no dude, he’s an entrepreneur, and he was laser focused

then criticize her for being evil.  not her legs.

> I don’t like it when women are mocked.

does that exhaust sound a little like DANGER ZONE??!!

Just picked up a $500 volvo 240 wagon. Getting to 75 is an accomplishment of grit, and I’d dare not tempt fate nor fuel pump over that speed.

When in Rome...


Side effect of that is your design choices for the batteries wouldn't have to worry about speed of recharge as much, and could focus more on capacity, service life, etc. 

Its Mentality of that Generation of Polish People.

Did you seriously just suggest that rotary engines have...easier maintenance and longevity?! I mean there’s the theory about fewer moving parts, and then there’s the reality of it all.

i HaVe LotS of v8 FriEndS, HoW cAN I bE a h8R :D

It’s Germany so... what if he used a pretzel shaped one? Might help with torsional rigidity too

american or european spec?

yeah.  sounds like he got the transplant in under 2 weeks.  to have found a match that quickly...I wonder if because of the accident they had some indication this was coming and had a couple young Indian men all ready recruited.

wow, more than a little important.  I was surprised the difference was only 30s; forgot about the 1.5


you can beat the wrap, but you can’t beat the ride

excellent point, but you left out ‘price.’

wow completely missed that...swing arm too!