
What’s the ‘Fair Cut’ when the country has failed in getting low cost, high speed Internet to Rural areas that doesn’t use any local infrastructure beyond electricity, and that electricity might well be from Solar and not the National grid?


I think the best case scenario is a press release that says, “We consider those stories and characters to now be part of the Legends universe and look forward to adding new stories in their place.”

I am a true fan boy, and I actually like it, it isn’t the masterpiece that the anime is but I mean you have so much to work with when you are drawing and converting that to live action is always a struggle it’s like comparing Apples to bowling pins...

Depends on what stool they’re thinking of using, waste up shot might be the correct term.

I’m glad to see all the “true fanbois” have already started shitting on the show. 

According to Tom Holland, Spider-Man: No Way Home includes “a style of fighting you’ve never seen in a Spider-Man film before.”

Had a social media discussion for a volunteer non-profit the other night. They were talking about reaching out to the younger adult audience through facebook postings. Had to remind them that young people don’t use facebook. smh...

It makes sense that a spring launch was canceled since a 6 month phone release schedule competes with themselves as well. A few months into the new phone cycle, people start waiting for the “new” one and stop buying the old one, which is (I feel) an issue they had with the 3/3a/4/4a schedule. 5a was a bit closer to

That was the Note 6/7. They renamed what should’ve been the Note 6 to be the Note 7 in 2016. The jokes about that phone are long since stale. They followed it up with multiple winners. If you don’t want another Samsung phone don’t get one. Newflash: Everyone moved on. Samsung isn’t cancel proof the way Apple is, but

You realize that shit’s in Gatorade, too, right? Why does Subway get all the flack for that shit? Turn it around and consider the fact that yoga mats are made with edible materials.

yeast farts

I was watching some SFX YouTube channel, and they pointed out that the Exagol star destroyers were modified Rogue One models, and that’s why they were Imperial Is instead of ESB and ROTJ’s Imperial IIs

I can’t imagine it’ll be all that good by the time you get it home.

To me this feels like the Star Wars people waiting and seeing if the next Wonder Woman is as bad as WW1984 and if WW1984 being bad hurts the next Wonder Woman’s box office (regardless of if it’s good or not).

I use Flavacol popcorn salt and colored coconut oil. Both available on Amazon.

Roadrunner left me feeling like he was never happy and never got over his addictions, he just transferred his addictions from one thing (or person) to another until it killed him in the end. 

The McRib isn’t that great. I’m not sure why it exists. Every time I’ve tried it’s been a disappointment. I wish Mc Donald’s would bring back their broccoli cheddar soup, Big and Tasty or their Johnsonville sausage.

Yeah I was hoping for a (candy) corn dog instead of this (candy corn) dog.

My grandmother would do minestrone in my family, with the bone and some big chunks of ham.