
Remember when cable TV was criticized because all the channels you wanted were bundled in packages with channels you didn’t want? Some genius suggested “a la carte” programming so we could pay just for the channels we wanted?

Kring looked at the declining interest in superhero media and thought “I need to get back in on this!”

The American History Museum in DC has a lunchroom where you can buy a fountain drink in a plastic tumbler. Most of these tumblers are chipped at the top or bottom and often the thing leaks your beverage all over the table.

I’m old enough to remember when GC was a sit-down steak restaurant with an eloborate baked potato “toppings” bar. My dad, being ahead of his time, added *everything* to his potato; chili, cheese, mushroom gravy, sour cream, chives, whatever they had. You’d order whatever steak you wanted and then load up your potato

Are the actors still on strike?  That alone would explain why they really aren’t promoting any new projects.  As for the corporate side of things, the strike is delaying a lot of projects leaving them little to promote as well.

Conversely, who remembers when Heinz 57 marketed itself as “ketchup with a kick?”  

My takeaway from this article is that 10 to 15% error rates are considered acceptable in the fast food industry.

Is it Twinkies? I bet it’s Twinkies.

Does anybody besides myself remember the glory days of a pizza chain called Pizza Inn?  Back in the 70s thin crust pizza is pretty much all they offered.   You could get it delivered and if you had a coupon (look in the newspaper or the back of the yellow pages) you could get a large pizza and a medium pizza for

I remember a little while ago he was in negotiations with Food Network for a new contract. FN was not going to meet his price and he was slated to walk away from the network. A week or so later they announced that a compromise had bee struck, and Flay was staying a FN star. I wonder if a cat food deal was the

Pumpkin spice always tastes like pumpkin spice chemical slurry to me, but maybe the frozen dairy elements will moderate that. I will give it a try next time I am near a Wendys.

Why? A disinformation program is certainly possible, and seems more likely to be true than “Guy makes papier mache aliens and expects people to believe they are the real deal.”  Maussan has pulled this stunt twice already.  He’s either stupid AF or the people who follow him are.  Wait.

Does it rhyme with “gargolyes?”

Obfuscation and disinformation. If there is hidden or classified evidence of a Non-Human Intelligence on Earth, this kind of stunt is exactly to be expected. It makes the disinterested observer conclude that there is indeed nothing to see.

Don’t forget that in 2015 the same people charged $200 a head to view a picture of a mummified “alien” that turned out to be the remains of a 2 year old child on display in a New Mexico museum.   https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/roswell-aliens-not-so-alien-as-we-thought/

Honestly I turn them off when a ten second reveal pads out into a five minute video.

When the store maintains 2 or maybe 3 “manned” checkout stations, the option is often “add 20 minutes wait to your trip” or “use self checkout.”  Gone are the days of full service in grocery stores.

Have you seen the comments section over at cracked . com? This place is almost a palace in comparison.

I mean occasionally I’ll bring my iPad.

Okra should be much, much higher on this list.