
Another entire article about this beverage and not a single mention of the Guarana that is on the ingredient list. Guarana hits harder and lasts longer than typical caffeine. And when they are bolted on to each other in as single beverage, its effects are way more potent.

I’d think Ho Hos or Suzy Qs.

The benefit of the stainless steel tumbler is that metal keeps cold water cold for much longer periods of time

Those seem more like a wish list from their suppliers than a customer-driven list. 

Well, the battery farm system is still a ‘farm’ system - and someone assuming something is ‘fresh’ simply because it came from a farm is really inventing an entire storyline out of a marketing tag.

So it's Kinja Comment Stars for restaurants. I'm sure that will be fine.

Anecdotally, I have reached the point where I know that 1 in every 20 orders or so is going to be messed up (forgot the mayo, 3 creams in the coffee instead of 1, etc.) that I accept it as a given. I shouldn’t, but I do.

The local radio show I listen to on the way to work was talking about that study, and while Taco Bell was ranked fastest, I have to disagree or at least the cars per hour should come into play as well, which I am not sure it was.  When you add that metric in I can’t see really any fast food place beating Chic-Fil-A or

Colorado? Seriously WTF? Milky Way - The grade D choice?!? No crunch/no nut, just ‘pleh’ that you can’t pull out of your teeth for hours after?

NJ native here. I haven’t lived there in 20 years but... there’s no fucking way Catalina is the #1 spot for that state, unless they’re counting “Italian” and “Lite Italian” as two separate entries and splitting the count. 

Here’s a thought. Go fuck yourself.

TikTok is shit and this site should stop posting crap from it. And get off my lawn. 

My sister makes a party mix that’s been a huge hit:

Counterpoint: they taste good.

For pizza out, it’s Pizza Inn!

Man I miss when AV Club would actually do the worst costume round ups instead of just being paid to shill for whatever.  This sort of thing used to get roasted, now I’m being told “Hell yeah, go buy a bunch of White Castle, dress as a White Castle billboard, and head to a party to shill some White Castle.  Thank God I

I’ll never understand why people pay money to advertise for corporations. It’s like volunteering at Wal-Mart.

It’s Tuesday, time for another Costco Stan article on The Takeout!

Using 1983 as a data point, with no reference to “The Pepsi Challenge” is quite an interesting decision.  (Did any person older than 40 contribute to this article?)

The InstaPot recipe, said to be the best version, has been requested and promised (see below), but so far as I can tell, has never been provided. Please print it or link or it. Please!!