
I will believe nothing positive about the Gunn DCU until 6 months after relase and then I will ONLY listen to non-fanboys about whether a particular movie is worth 2 hrs of my life.

Warner Brothers has screwed up the DCU in every single respect, multiple times. It is entirely probable that the studio will mess up

Lost me at “Tom King”

Damon Lindelof, best known for Lost, The Leftovers, and Mrs. Davis. He also hijacked the Alien franchise with Prometheus. Not sure why James Gunn would even want him involved with any of his projects. Damon Lindelof and J.J. Abrams only excel at one thing and that is conning studio executives into believing that they

This is so lame. 

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone call Sisko an unhinged madman, and while Sisko may be African American his character has always seemed to me to be race neutral, like make Sisko a bald white guy and what exactly about his character would have to change? In my opinion, nothing. "In the Pale Moonlight" deserves all

I haven’t heard any news about Jeffrey Jones. They must be keeping his Beetlejuice Beetlejuice return a big surprise.

Lauren Boebert will not return to the theater for Beetlejuice Beetlejuice.

Man, you guys are easily excited. Because from the outside, most of this leaves me cold. The worst is #19 - another sequel to a movie franchise that never had a good sequel, and whose original hit was more of a fascinating moment in time than a good movie. That’s exciting to you?

This is so stupid and they never should have done this.

I’m definitely going to be seeing this in the theaters, likely opening weekend so I don’t get spoiled by all the articles, but I can’t say I’m particularly excited.

I also don’t like them being split up, seems trope-ily pointless and weak; but as much as I adore Morena Baccarin, there’s a limited amount of non-superhero characters I need focus on during my super-hero films. They should sorta always be in the background IMO. Especially in one this already-mission-statemented as a

For someone who already struggles to find Ryan Reynolds funny, this definitely is no help lol. Happy for his fans that there is another coming out. I’ll be there for Jackman’s return to whatever version of Wolverine is showing up and I’ll hope for the best.

The la rams joke is pretty funny. 

THIS!! It’s a great idea but the original creator... just isn’t a very good writer. Keep him as an exec producer and let someone more talented take it to new heights.

Season 1 was a great execution of “what if people suddenly got powers in the real world?” and they built toward the inveitable conclusion of super heros vs super villians, but then the sebsequent seasons showed they had no interest in telling that story and wanted to do X-Files with super heroes instead.

With the long-hyped...” [Citation Needed]

I like to think I stay pretty up to date on new technology, but I have never heard of this until today. 

I’m hoping the Rabbit is a far better product and that it’s recent demo is an actual representation of what it will be able to do.

No TV show has been given as many chances to fail as Heroes.

Ernie Hudson: “Something something paycheck