
I predict Filoni, et al. are gonna retcon the shit out of that era.

Looking back at the history between Apple and Gawker... I don't blame them. This seems like a butt hurt article.

Good. Gawker was a reprehensible rag that didn’t know what journalistic ethics even meant and should have never existed in the first place. And even in death, it went down fucking the rest of us, giving bazillionaires even more legal precedence to quash freedom of speech with cash than they already had before. Good

That opinion is very clearly missing from your commentary making Cook out to be some kind of bad guy for not wanting his company to fund content glorifying a company that did something shitty to him. 

Yep. Exactly. But your type of rational thinking is not welcome here.

Make honest arguments, io9.

So this is what the Tennessee Valley Authority is really all about 🤔

Quentin Tarantino’s Star Trek

Well, they couldn’t keep calling it “global warming” when the globe was being recalcitrant and refusing to warm. It had to be relabeled so that they could continue flogging it as a dreadful crisis, and “anthropogenic climate change” is even more flexible -- the temperature goes up, it’s AGC; the temperature goes down,

Put me in the “Big [Corporate] issues their own health ‘guidelines’ that totally prove they aren’t harmful!”

Seriously? I don’t agree with her politics, but I think “uniquely vile” is a little extreme of a description. 

Carano and I don't see eye to eye politically and she and I could chat all day about it. She makes a great Cara Dune and I can separate the two.

My fondest wish is that all this is leading to the decanonization of that garbage sequel trilogy.

“Because you make your money from our attention and if you didn’t want us to think about you, you’d be a lot less wealthy, so eat the whole meal”

2020 continuing to bring the suck! But 90 years is a good long lifetime.

Dunno but we may need to recruit a team of teenagers with attitude stat.

This displays a pretty shocking ignorance of how people function or how the world works.

This displays a pretty shocking ignorance of how people function or how the world works.

I would check out all those old Peanuts strips books from the library, too. I loved them.

I college once I was in a band named Funky Discrepancy

“Mommy, mommy! Buy me a license plate!”