
“Endgame will resonate because it understood what fans wanted from it and delivered Fan service is usually cited as a negative aspect of storytelling, but when it’s used in the service of rewarding people who have sat through 21 movies, it’s hard to get too bent out of shape about it.“

Fangirls always passing on nice guys for Chad Vader.

...and then you get to the end and a gorilla starts throwing barrels at you.

Come on now, nobody wants to hear about your sound logic or realistic assessment of this issue. I mean, yes the military budget is high but estimated increases in the planet’s mean water levels are much more dangerous than Russia, China, North Korea and Iran.

That this article was a waste of my time is exactly the point.

You know what?

Is the main character a man or a woman? Fair question.

I hate that you wrote this, stick to cars.

Or simply make a GOOD movie, for a change...

Could be worse; he could be a snarky internet commenter :-D

Hmmmm. I’m not sure Subway’s quality has really changed all that much over the years.

I bought this disc SPECIFICALLY for Sensurround and the Devo track.

I’ll put forth the following for consideration:

Slightly above average?

They like kids cartoons. And CW shows. Not very much else these days.

I miss the old io9.

Dying website trying to make the last bit of money they can.

Odd, because the biggest defense that I’ve seen of the film is that it subverts expectations by throwing them all out, with the whole “let the past die” phrase becoming a mantra.

‘SNL has some ideas, which you can watch below, but I’d love to hear yours, too.’

I’ll be honest, as someone who always ran in nerdier circles, I’ve known more than a few Sheldons in my day.

“Johnson was daring enough” — Really?