
To be clear, you did imply that. And to be clearer, go fuck yourself

Dammit...now I can’t unsee that.

Yup. It cannot be unseen.

Puh-leze. The joke will be Mr. Incredible tied up by his own kids and then Mrs. Incredible will come in, say, “Ahem” and everyone snaps to.

Har-har. Men are stupid. We can’t raise kids. We are dumbskis who put diapers on kids’ heads. Har-har.

Fuck that shit. Or give me back my blondes are sluts jokes from high school.

Rogue One never knew what it wanted to be.

Or perhaps it’s not terrible?

After reading this reply a few times and scratching my head I’m now super curious about the comment you thought you read.

I was able to tell by the pixels.

Wow, this article really makes me dislike the human race even more. That people are too stupid to understand how supply chains work and are so fucking entitled that they feel since they didn’t get their special sauce they are somehow being cheated is just pathetic. I mean seriously, bait and switch?! People are using

What the fuck are you on about? I’m saying I didn’t get why they changed the look of the klingons... it seems to be an odd choice that serves no purpose. What did yo think I was saying?

How the fuck did this article get posted with not a single picture of the subject matter in it?

It really does feel like either io9, or just Beth, resent this show for existing at all, and that colors the response quite a bit.

A well-done Lovecraftian Indiana Jones film?

I will continue to eat and enjoy the Marvel cookie cutter films because cookies are good (no matter what kind they are).

You’re half right, the modern definition of hacking dates back to the 1950's, it basically means fussing around with machines. While you are correct that cracking is the term that should be used when talking about unauthorized computer access, you’re definition of hacking is more related to a term called penetration

seriously. i’m no regular soda drinker, but zero is miles better than diet.

She could be the voice of the computer. 😃

Goddamnit...now I can’t stop thinking about Married With Children...In Space!

You bet your ass. I want to die already, why not on the moon?