
Actually it’s completely different actors.

They’re speed holes. They make the ship go faster.

We’ll put them in all white armor so people know we’re the good guys.

Then it could be , what is that Russian word for a deliberate misinformation campaign to get Russia and China to spend more money than they have and try to compete with the US incase the US can do this.

That was fun. The only way it could have been funner was instead of a desert, it was some kind of bog or swamp, and instead of bb8 it was r2, and instead of Rey, it was her dad. Oh, wait. Never-mind. That was fun.

Clicks don’t get themselves.

“One lingering gripe” constitutes “attacking” someone now? It’s not even an unfair gripe. And all he did was reiterate what Reitman already said, to io9, 3 months ago.

Feig doesn’t take criticism well? Stop the presses.

Do you not think that taking the word of one guy is probably not a good basis for...well basically most of the article?

Star Trek: Mass Effect

Don’t tell the Truth, liberals don’t want it, Don’t tell the truth, Conservatives don’t want it either, don’t tell the truth to the ones who have made up their minds. So don’t tell the truth.

Thank you thank you I was facing some stiff competition this morning so I’m glad I made it.

BTW, Gemini Man, IMHO, sounds more like Looper with the only real difference being how the young and older version of the killers get after each other. In Looper, it was the result of time travel. In Gemini Man its clones.

It’s 2017- specifying the medium something is written in doesn’t change your obligations as one who responds.

You want her to fuck Lando?

It is still not clear to the family how Malachi got his hands on the dangerous weapon. Stephens said that he got the gun from a friend who got it from someone else. Investigators are looking into finding out who originally had the gun and passed it to the friend, the news station notes.

Hey, thanks for nothing. I had managed to forget about that.

Ghostbusters isn’t a Bond movie. It’s a comedy. Money doesn’t make it funnier. How many comedies have a had $100 million production budget?

This is what I’ve been thinking since I first saw SWTFA. If she’s not a resistance deep cover operative they just made her laughably incompetent. She rolled over like a CJ-5 in a hairpin turn as soon as Finn waved a blaster in her general direction.

It got old in like season 3. also the “angelatron” was so goddamn stupid, she invented it herself and they just use it for solving murders not sharing with the world shes invented a holographic magic computer.