
I see Hitchhiker’s Guide gets no love.

Io9 is giving this movie a bad review? After whinging and moaning about Matt Damon in China? A bad review?

There’s a surprise. There’s a big surprise. I think I’m gonna have a heart attack and die, from that surprise.

If that’s all Gibson did. Years ago. After drinking.

I’m just gonna leave this here, because this shtick is becoming very tiresome:

Why would it be humiliating? I mean it could be made humiliating, but that’s true with everything. A blowjob is just another way to enjoy the human body.

I’m the opposite. I quite Dexter around season 2 but watched HIMYM all the way to the bitter stupid atrocious ending.

Burn Notice is one of the greatest shows that has ever existed.

Hmm... you may be right. I guess it all comes down to whether or not that Imperial base on Scarif was the only one there or not.

We’re also examining physics in Star Wars now, which just gets hokey. Like when BB-8 was falling all over the place in the Millenium Falcon on Jakku even though Rey and Finn didn’t seem to be

I swear to God those damn things are the reason why I have poor eyesight now.

Well, wouldn’t that constant torment and suffering strengthen his tie to the dark side? Much like Kylo Ren hitting his wound to strengthen himself, Vader living in the place where his life was ruined would make him very strong.

Now playing

Most egregious example of poor celebrity chef food handling yet:

What a disgusting comment.

Why couldn’t it have been [X] is one of the poorest responses in these situations. Be a better person.

It’s his “I have to be the smartest guy in every room” shtick that people can’t stand.

On the other hand, you’re bloggers who “Spend the Day Ripping Lines From Reddit,” so let’s call it even.

The scientists were interviewed after the reactor was shut down. Their response? No reaction.

Wanna bet? Around the time of / maybe a bit after the Melaswen storyline, there was a Finding Nemo plug, with Hope telling Bo, she didn’t think she would make it back to Salem in time to get a specific costume from it, Zach wanted. (I’m pretty certain it was Finding Nemo, but it’s been nearly 15 years, so I could very

I think, when you realise what story we’re *really* telling kind of cash grab we’re going for, you’ll understand that it can’t possibly fit in one movie!

Suddenly, Jyn’s quest to take down the Empire’s biggest weapon has gotten a lot more personal.