
I was in the same boat and did a little research when the season finale left me scratching my head. Please, someone who knows more, jump in, but what I found was as follows:

Depends on if your dislike goes deeper than “they’re all women”. For example, “I’m not a fan of McCarthy’s normal schtick” is allowed.

I don't like the cast and director, is that allowed?

None of them require a global conspiracy?

search youtube for “chris barns u28" this guy is nuts LOL. I only found it because a friend of mine flies with the U28s and we watched a bunch of this nutcase’s videos

As a serious fan since 1981, so have I. But you know what?

Hey, at least be thankful that it comes with an adapter, instead of making you buy one for $60.


So Wikileaks was cool when they’re taking down Bush and the Republicans, but when they do the same to Clinton and the Democrats they’ve hit rock bottom?

I went back and rewatched that after the reboot kicked off. And then I realized that - my God - the original series was far cheesier than I remembered. “That whole annihilation of the human race, and being on the run from genocidal robots thing, let’s not worry about that too much. Hey - mechanical dog antics! Resort

Came here to mention this ... thanks!

But that would stop this from happening, and this is a good thing that we want happening.

“Had no idea today was Jose Bautista bobblehead day.” (Via @DriveThruDuck)

Folded over white bread sandwich filled with BBQ brisket, pickles, onions, and extra BBQ sauce. All y’all northerners can go fuck yourselves.

Sigh. Not enough people will get the clash of the titans part.

Which was not nearly as much boob as her Japanese counterpart, Beauty Zonnette of the Universal Reckless Driving Tribe Bowzock.

thermal cameras are expensive and shit.

Is this reaction completely reasonable or have I been using the Internet for too many years?

This guy gets its.

Oh yes they do.