
Super Grover? SUPER GROVER?!?! Yes!!!!!!

Sesame Street and HBO is a weird combo.

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Yoooooooooooooooooou. The main character and as-of-now hero of the new trilogy is female. “Rey and Leia try and save the universe” is, as of now, a reasonable synopsis of what the trilogy is going to be all about.

Double humblebrag! Wow.

They get replaced by Don Cheadle.

Grow a goatee and hide in the Mirror Universe.

Yes, in a film about talking fish the fact that the story apparently doesn’t take place twelve years after the last instalment is definitely the most confusing point.

I’m sad that this is not a thing.

Yaaaasss!!! You win the internet today sir.

When was it not?

That was my only minor nitpick about the whole movie. At first I kept thinking, “Why does this character look so familiar?” Then I realized it was almost Marge’s color scheme to a T.

I saw it on Sci-Fi in the mid 90s and thought it held up well. I’m more of a skeptic, but this is one of those cases that freaks me out.

Did you invent a jump to conclusion mat?

False. Give me a good sex bot and I’ll value it at least twice daily. Thrice if I can get off for lunch.

Agents of Shield should be focusing on May. All the time. And that’s all.
