
Is it just the way the image is cropped or does your octopus there have a little butt where your signature is? (note: I have absolutely no problem with your octopus having a little butt)

The octopus has a sword AND a gun? Shut up and take my money!

This is quite excellent!

Maybe you’ll find someone else to help you.
Maybe Black Mesa...

Early concept

Dead Bird Hat or GTFO

You can get kids to write anything you want especially if you threaten to withhold treatment.

Ant-Man is about man who can shrink to the size of a paperclip. He somehow loses and gains density as he changes size, but always retains his full-size strength. He talks to ants.

When did you stumble across the fact that it was not scientifically accurate?

You mean besides Ultron and Vision?

Particularly in a society as limited and insular as the wizarding world is portrayed (although presumably Harry Potter would've had his pick of witches from all over the world).

Very interesting point. Never thought of that that way. Of course, being under 10 when I first watched the movies Darth Vader always scared the shit out of me, not because I didn’t know he could be vanquished but because he was straight up terrifying: force-choking guys over a screen is hardcore.

Grevious could have been really solid had he been introduced in Episode II and we saw him take down a bunch of Jedi like he does in his actual introduction in Gendy Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars, as well as the comics. Knowing who the fuck he was in III relied on you having watched a cartoon, which most of the audience did

How about “Rendering your users incapable of dealing with any other operating system”?

Golden Girls is one of the greatest TV series ever. Period. Fact. Done. That is all.

Big ol’ what?

I thought so too!

Everyone loves a gusset!

As a Browns fan I offer you zero sympathy and hope your team burns in the most fiery way possible.