
"All of this has happened before, and it will all happen again"

Will this movie be scored with an all Rush mixtape?

It took me two seconds of looking at the photos in the other article to decide it was a viral marketing stunt, but it's nice to know the research bears it out.

Fanboys/girls (fanbirls?) are retards. No matter what side they're on.

I've been spending the last couple years trying to go back and watch every classic sci-fi movie I can get my hands on. The number of "Ohhh, that's what Futurama was referencing!" moments is astounding.

Starring both because of my love for Tron and your username.

Many of the people using CPAP therapy are so tired that they won't even notice it and just pass out. Some masks are very small and have minimal contact with the face. I'm at the point that I have trouble falling asleep when I don't have it on, because I've connected it to getting a good nights sleep.

The masks can be pretty small, and there are travel sized machines and battery backups. For many people, skipping a day or two isn't a huge deal if your blood pressure and morning headaches aren't severe.

It actually might not be working for him. Gotta check the data logs on the machine to verify, because many people who just plug the machine in will not benefit from CPAP therapy. There are many factors that will make the device useless - primarily a poor fitting mask, leaks, pressure being too low, or an open airway

Blackberry Playbook

What do you get when you multiply six by nine?

They don't want to make the world a better place - if they did they would have done so by now. how does desecrating a world heritage site do ANYTHING favourable for climate change? and apologizing for moral offense is literally "sorry if your feelings got hurt" which is a fuck you of an apology.

I think that's a very good point. The sheer volume of toys available, and how many aisles they're devoted to in big stores like Target or Wal-Mart throws what was already an existing and prominent trend into even sharper contrast. When you are going through a store and suddenly are slammed in the face with 3 aisles of

Now that's an awesome theory.

Good eye. I have the identical watch. Kind of surprised to see a 1st gen watch in a current movie, but for all we know they were filming this when the first gen was out.

Although I am a little sad that Snoopy's encounter with the Red Baron involved no shooting. Snoopy's dreams of being a WWI flying ace seem diminished if he isn't getting his doghouse shot to hell by his imaginary nemesis.

God, I hope not. Im long past tired of everything being about her.

i've been thinking of getting checked. I can't seem to reclaim energy (even though i'm an ultra endurance athlete), and can't sleep on my back (seems like my airways get choked off). I just hate the thought of it actually working, then I need to take a machine with me to races, camping, etc...

Mutant buttholes... this is why I read your articles Bricken.