
This was also the first time Uranus had been imaged by the Cassini spacecraft

Personally, I can't wait for Tyrion and Tywin to settle their quarrel.

Yes. Yes get into it NOW. This is basically real-world Batman in New York city, but Batman's now two people (Ninja-Jesus and Undercover Genius).

"The machine is a shield. It protects lives. I designed it with safeguards, to prevent it being abused as an agent of destruction." - Finch, this very episode

What makes the price insane? It's obviously very high, but taking a drug from inital concept to actual availability costs billions of dollars and that has to be recouped if we want more and better treatments.

Well that depends on what the actual cost, including research, of producing the drug is. Offering the drug cheaper in third world countries should not be taken as a sign of malfeasance.

A second season of Dracula?

I was pretty excited when I read a couple years ago that Cosmos was being reincarnated. They've done a pretty good job with this version and I'm confident that a lot of young minds will be influenced by its content. But older minds, (like mine), while I see the value, I haven't exactly been, "WOWed" by the show. I

Now as anyone who has followed my comments on this site knows, I'm a big fan of science, rationality and skepticism, one of the biggest.

So far, thoroughly underwhelmed with this incarnation of Cosmos. Perhaps it's because of the non-stop uninspiring music track. Perhaps it's because of the focus on SFX as opposed to story telling. Perhaps it's because I'm already familiar with most of what the show covers (thanks, Dr. Sagan) (and no, I'm not an

I'm a huge tv watcher but I've literally never heard of Television Without Pity...


oh, do give us a break.

Hmm... Unbreakable didn't have an existing fanbase, and I've mostly heard people say that they liked it. John Carter seemed to please a lot of fans but was regarded as a box office flop.

For brief seconds before I clicked on the post, I wasn't sure that this was Concept Art. That's how bad this winter has been.

Edgar looked at the footage again, paused it and then advanced it frame by frame. The assembled throng held their breath, all waiting for the verdict of the country's greatest meteorologist. Finally he nodded and turned to them.

I didn't get to see the episode but here are my 2 cents from reading your article. I wish Cosmos would focus on the awesome science of the universe instead of apparently trying to drum up a science vs religion debate.

Well, I'm gonna have to go back into therapy. THANKS ROB

'nuff said.