
I totally expected dickbutt. I am disappoint.

Cthulhu wept

Hello Titty

This is absurd. Hello Kitty is second only to Krusty the Clown in what they'll endors3. I own a HK toilet brush. I own a HK vibrator. This is neither surprising nor a big deal.

They really don't make 'em quite like Who Framed Roger Rabbit anymore...

I think this scene's pretty well known. I remember seeing it on a television broadcast of the movie years ago. Plus, it's on the DVD. I really like the scene and, if I were the decision maker, probably would have left it in the movie. I'm guessing the idea was that it gave away Toon Town too early in the movie and

They cut this back into the movie when it premiered on ABC.

Why does this have to be a battle? Why are some of us singled out as an "enemy" for choosing to have a particular faith?

These are mutually exclusive?

In the Las Vegas picture above the Statue of Liberty one, look closely at the destroyed edge of the red building. There are two orange-clad figures sitting or kneeling in wreckage. Perhaps:

It wasn't until near the end of 2012 that I watched the first season, but I loved it right from "A Study in Pink". It wasn't what I expected, and I was skeptical about adapting Sherlock in a 21st century setting, but it was beyond amazing.

The shot immediately before the statue is definitely Las Vegas, too. Interesting how far inland Godzilla makes it this time.

It's still a mandatory shot.

Those shredded buildings aren't the work of Godzilla, that's just the aftermath of Bryan Cranston chewing all that scenery.

Quick everyone panic and blow this story up to Godzilla size proportions. The time for gross fatalist overreaction is now.

Because we would all masturbate and die. That's why.

OMG...Bricken's head will explode!

He's pining for the fjords.

Giant Isopod Number 1 is dead. Thanks, Obama.