
No Gorn... That’s where I sit.

Apple’s yearly announcement that “We don’t have enough of these to go around” trying to drive up interest in the new model. We’ve all seen it and miraculously, by November/Black Friday, these supply issues just...go away.

I’d be willing to guess that the Reader’s Digest article they cribbed this from explains it a little better.

AT&T is rolling out a price increase for the mobile service plan that includes MAX.  They’re instructing sales reps to discuss the pricing change and offer switching to a version of the plan that does NOT include MAX.  It’s only a $2.50/month price change but I still expect they’ll lose subscribers over it.

In the DC area Halloween candy aisles are already in place.  I know because the Butterfinger skulls are on sale and I love those things.

I remember a similar scam around the regarding Velveeta cheese. Around the holidays a lot of people serve a cheese dip made with Velveeta, and multiple outlets were telling us that Velveeta was going to be out-of-stock. I also remember making a visit to my local Walmart where there was an six foot tall stack of the

I can see why he’d be against it, considering it might as well be Samuel L Jackson inviting him to be a part of the Avengers Initiative. Or Julia Louis-Dreyfus recruiting for the Evil Avengers or whatever.

No.  And here’s why.  I need to know how often the interior of one of these machines is cleaned.  Unless they are hermetically sealed, which they aren’t, there is the potential for all kinds of critters to get inside there, which you would not be able to see from the outside.

I love the “sewing kit starter pack”

Looking at pictures of the E Wing, my first impression is that someone endeavored to produce a Star Wars version of the Colonial Viper from the OG Battlestar Galactica.

In my day, sonny, we halved and pitted avocados with a flatish triangular spatula with no sharp edges. The pulp was separated from the skin with a basic rubber spatula. I made five pound batches in maybe ten minutes. I get that this machine is faster, but still.

If I had to put Irvine on a likeability scale of Bobby Flay to Duff Goldman, he’d be just left of Flay (actual score: Ugh, guess I’ll watch if there’s no Gilligan’s Island reruns on.)

That’s probably true, but the hardcore fans know who he is and they’re the ones studios depend on to see the movie opening weekend and see the film more than once.

I’ve heard that Josh Gates, star of Expedition Unknown, turned down the chance to take that ride. He was well-concerned about the safety of the thing. The man is a treasure. I’m glad he was smart enough to pass on that ride.

Although I can’t cite a specific source, I believe they were giving the impression that this current Flash movie, with ideas cribbed from the Flashpoint comics, was intended as a sort of DC cinematic universe reboot.

Is that the Watson and Crick cooking method or do you just call them DNA dogs?

As long as Burger King continues to assemble a cold sandwich and then pop it in a high powered microwave to heat it up, they will always be in fourth place.

I want to know more about this Orange god and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

You nailed my aversion to the Pumpkin Spice latte mania.  It’s all fun and games while the drink is screaming hot.  As soon as the beverage temperature drops, all I taste is spice-flavored chemical slurry.

Reminds me of how “cloning the wooly mammoth” has been ten years away since the 1970s.