
Still between $4.00 and $6.00 per dozen in the Mid-Atlantic.  I’m still not buying eggs.

A long time ago, I worked at a Taco Bueno in Oklahoma.  The flour tortilla shells were fried in store on a daily basis.  They were one of the easier fried items to produce.  Back then we also made our ours tortilla chips. The process to make a zillion chips is much more taxing.

Having moved from North Texas to the Mid-Atlantic I really miss Taco Bueno. 

I would like a Ramses series. I especially like how the novel handled the circumstances of his immortality. Just some potion made from frogs(?) and common plants and no real explanation given.

Or the Tesh versus the Sebuteem.

I’d like to think that Force-sensitive beings were much more common 25,000 years in the past. The over-arching mystery of the story could be the heroes trying to figure out why fewer and fewer people are being born with force abilities.

I’ll hold out for the machine that can produce a fully roasted turkey in one second for Leeloo Dallas Multipass.

When people say “alcohol: they generally mean rubbing alcohol.

It just seemed like a weird angle to mention ticket prices in a negative light when we’ve seen stories that PARKING at a recent concert event was costing $150.

AT&T and Verizon can’t improve their networks in the Caucasus mountains, or in the Outback of Australia.

$140 does not sound like too much to spend on attending a day-long sports event.  What does a ticket to an NFL game cost and how much do you think you’d spend on a club sandwich at an NBA playoffs game?

That was certainly a list of fictional restaurants.  Be honest, these are just the first ten you could think of, right?

Our main weapon is fear.  Fear and surprise.  Fear, surprise and an almost fanatical devotion to...

Youngster?  I bet I am older than you.

What the hell is that?

It’s ads all the way down!

Hey oh!  (imaginary golf swing)

I love the optimism.  I wish I could share it.

I mean The Aristocats is not even a very good animated movie. How can a “live action” version be anything but crap?

You guys got me wondering if the “ranch dressing sauce swap” disqualifies the local pizza-joint concoction from being called Pizza at all.