
My memory of reading the novels is that the queer subtext is there throughout. I don’t see this as a new addition to the lore.

I do love Hardees breakfast biscuits. Easily the number one or two fast food biscuit sandwich in the universe.

IMHO the hourglass design is intended to disguise a downsizing of the product. Get people used to buying the hourglass bottle, at some later time just squeeze the middle a bit and bam. 14 ounce jar for the same price.

I thought that the Coca Cola Starlight flavor tasted a little like graham cracker.

I was trying to be generous to She-Hulk.  My real opinion is that the whole deal was incredibly derivative.

Oh I so agree with you.  The last episode: She-Hulk visits Edna Mode, seemed as flat as anything I’ve ever seen.   I wasn’t interested in the dull courtroom drama or the Incredibles homage.

Part of the reason I ditched Harris Teeter is their abysmal self checkout. Six checkouts crammed into too little space. Part of each day sees four of the self checkout machines unavailable for use. Morning features all this plus a surly attendant who once suggested I was stealing because I couldn’t get the SKU for

maybe you missed the part where the stores automatically use reusable bags for delivery orders and aren’t allowed to recover and re-use bags that have been in the customer’s posession.

Bag bans seem to me an attempt to blame the consumer for the mountain of plastic that our food and other products are packaged in. I have reusable bags-- they’re fine.  But I use those bags to carry plastic bottles of beverages, plastic bags of rice, pre-made meals packaged in plastic, baked goods in little plastic

Wimmy wam wam wuzzle!

OK, but why would he be disappointed to see her in her Jen Walters form?  The crew of dum-dums couldn’t get a syringe to penetrate She-Hulk’s skin.  In her human form he might be able to get at least a lancet prick.

and yet, the editors of this site posted an article guaranteed to bring out people from both sides.  It’s almost as if they make money or something from the engagement of the uber fans and the ultra haters.

I work in a retail environment and I can assure you that yes, people get excited over a new iPhone.  I have had people trying to pre-order it sight-unseen for the last two weeks. 

Is she still sporting that fake English accent?

Ali Khan as in the Ali Khan from “Cheap Eats”? What are you doing on this low-effort website?

As someone who works in a cell phone retail environment, I know that if this happened within a hundred mile radius my location, I would have customers in complaining. This is regardless of the settings being completely at the choice of the user.

I had one the other day. The chicken was overcooked and dry.  More mayo or whatever the sauce for it is would have helped, but it was just a terribly disappointing lunch IMO.

Their “Korean Q” sauce is one of my favorite sauces from any fast food joint.  And the price seems reasonable.

He doesn’t need to be attracted to her. He just knows that these clothes = “I own you.” See also that time Data was kidnapped the that collector dude who wanted him to wear his own clothes line.

Working at a regional fast tacos place back in the 1980s, We had to clean up after a flood. The kitchen and dining room were both ankle deep in brown, gross runoff water. We were closed for recovery, and people still wanted us to serve them. I’d say “it is not sanitary” and they say “I don’t care.”