
That’s what I want. I have no use for Twitter.  It amuses me to watch it slowly burn.

I thought the decision to premiere movies on HBO MAX was a response to the pandemic and many, many theaters being closed or operating at minimal capacity. In hindsight was it the best move? I don’t know. Was it an inevitable move? Possibly.

As a person in the cell phone retail industry, I can confirm that yes, some people still want the newest iPhone and they want it on launch day. In addition, the carrier I work with offers some pretty generous trade-in offers that might give $350 or more for trading in a phone as old as the iPhone 8 (and double that

That looks like what I remember.

Back in the 90's they offered a sort of pita bread taco that I quite liked. I remember that it was topped with something called “broccoli slaw” but other than that I couldn’t tell you what was on it.

How do you solve a problem like no maria?

My only complaint-- why is there seven minutes of end credits (including a mid-credits scene)?  It feels like they could have truncated that a bit.

Well reasoned.  Well stated.  Thanks.

It looks kind of like a reverse Harry Potter.  I’m not saying that’s a bad thing.

Pumpkin spice latte always *sounds* so tasty, and it is.   As long as the beverage is screaming hot.  As soon as the drink cools off a bit, the taste reminds me more of “pumpkin spice chemical slurry”

I’m going to pass on the Vienna sausages,(In Oklahoma we pronounced it VY-EENA.) I did recently give Underwood’s Deviled Ham a revival and found it quite tasty. Like a salt paste, but tasty.

You could also take the whole night’s haul to the local hospital and they would X-Ray it for free.  I don’t remember that they found a single razor blade or needle though.

Double true for fast food joints.  There’s a McDonalds near where I work.  When I went there three times and discovered no soap in the mens’ bathroom dispenser each time, I knew no one in the kitchen ever washed their hands.

Except it probably wouldn’t “go under” but would just become a division of TikTok or be an app that comes with the next Nintendo console.

Having lived in Oklahoma, Texas, and now Virginia, I’ve never seen huckleberries for sale… anywhere.

So explain it to me.  Unless you don’t know either.

Help me understand.  We were initially warned that this hornet would decimate bee populations by killing entire beehives.  Now we’re worried about “stigmatizing” the poor things?  Whose feelings are we looking out for here?

Colbie Smulders sounds like a fantastic new kind of cheese.

I remember a sandwich called “chicken littles” which were little chicken sliders KFC sold for fifty cents apiece.  I don’t remember if they were delicious or if I just bought them because you could feast for two bucks.

Target actually does the best job of having enough room to house all the items you might be buying.