
we all do.

Chariot sounds like an edgy remake of Knight Rider.

Humiliation Hulk.  Got it.

It’s a magical place.

You can’t Unwatch it!

“It’s Lokis all the way down!”

The only way to beat them is to send in wave after wave of our own men...

After Softbank bought Sprint I was promised that we’d have Pepper in our stores and even be able to buy one for ourselves. Sprint’s failure to hold that promise is the reason I am not sad they’re gone.

In Texas there are In-and-Out stores and Whataburger.  I’d drive an extra ten miles to get Whataburger and a side of onion rings.

I’m told that They Might Be Giants also enjoys their coffee.

Does Rob Bricken know about that one on the far right?

Prediction: They’re going to use this occasion to reset customer expectations and limit the crazy add-ons some customers demand.  The insane 6 pumps of this and 8 spoons of that and six shots of another drinks will no longer be an option.

As a child my mother would take me to the public library every week and every week I brought home at least one collection of Peanuts strips.

Sting in a Space Diaper makes the whole thing worth watching IMHO.

Wasn’t the cow one of the Doctors Who?

...And Another Thing... is an abomination that should never have been brought into this world.

It’s worth it.  If there were a Hardee’s within ten miles of me I’d make the trip twice a week at least.

I reckon it’s the same kind of person who sees a classic film in black-and-white and thinks “This needs colorized.”

I’m wondering if the “embezzlement” tag comes from accumulated late fees that the rental store might have reported when filing the charge.

Is that Riley from The Boondocks?