
Paradoxically that’s the only Star Wars movie I’ve never watched.

There’s the Rob we remember from Topless Robot’s heyday. But seriously I got no problem with the potential fanservice element of the upcoming film.

What if, and hear me out here... What if it’s Tatiana Maslany in the “award-winning actor” cameo role?

Hardees/Carl’s Jr used to serve a pork chop biscuit with gravy that was OK. Would have been better with more gravy ad served as an entree instead of a sandwich.

I mean Everybody has three mortgages these days.

you can tell just by looking at his skull.

Not at all. Thanksgiving is one day and it is over. What happens the day after Thanksgiving is it’s own thing.

An an American, Thanksgiving is generally my favorite holiday. Corporations haven’t yet found a way to completely commercialize it yet, and it’s more about pausing, resting, and eating satisfying traditional foods.

I can see this working if they honor the source material the way The Addams Family and Addams Family Values did,

I mean technically it didn’t quit. It was more like a forced retirement.

I have a suspicion that Caulfield will turn up in a future movie as a Baron Zemo-esque role. Being a pawn in a magical game of checkers pisses her off to the extent that she obsesses over, then learns her own brand of magic.

Mace Windu— purple lightsaber

Pointless speculation, I know... But what if Caulfield’s character will become an MCU villain in a future movie or second season of WV?  After being separated from her child and mind-controlled her rage and lust for vengeance leads her to learn a different kind of magic, she breaks the hex on Agatha, and they team up

Grim INC sounds a bit like Dead Like Me.

And Rob Petrie was a writer for a comedy/variety show so the “no sense of humor” thing was particularly horrific.

I wonder if there is significance in the episode of the Dick Van Dyke show was the one where Rob Petrie dreams that aliens are taking over the bodies of his friends and loved-ones?

...and I killed Uncle Ben, too!

My take on Wendy’s in general is that they have occasional strokes of conceptual genius that they proceed to ruin in execution. I remember a pretzel bun burger with artisan cheese high-end bacon, and microgreens. I had one and was hooked. The next time I ordered the same burger they had ditched the pretzel bun for a


I just wish they’d gotten They Might Be Giants to write and perform the theme this week.  They would have killed it.