
You you think it’s due to a reaction from the toxic grease-paint makeup?

So what happens in the ten years between this and Kirk’s command to cause the Federation to lose the technology to produce Star Wars holograms?

Maybe the car’s are the way they are because it’s how small children play with and think about toy cars.

But will Rob write one of his fabled FAQ articles for this one?

“My dad was the Jungle Boy on Gilligan’s Island?”

Five of one, half dozen of the other...

Personally I am OK with the idea that not every plot hole needs filling. I’d prefer there be a “oh shit, she’s not dead” moment for the heroes of the story.

Damn that’s eloquent.

What if Peter Capaldi’s Doctor regenerates into a white haired, elderly “first Doctor” closing the circle and rebooting the entire Whoniverse?

Just another free service I provide.

Am I the only one who automatically associates “break the internet” with certain photos of a certain pseudo-celebrity?

Is electric blue and purple the new teal and orange? If so, I approve.

The dance scene *could* have been the transcendent moment of the film—the moment when the real becomes unreal and vice versa. It’s damn shame that it wasn’t left intact. It’s another damn shame that the dance number wasn’t Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.”

My theory is that Phasma is an undercover resistance officer. Its the only explanation that makes her actions deactivating the shields without a fight make any sense.

So everybody start asking him about a reunion with his costars from his current show, “Pretty People Solving Grisly Murders”

One simply does not use that word in polite company...

This article is a load of feldercarb.

Don’t be ridiculous. It’s MarthaWoman.

I got that reference.