
The thing is that he *might* have expressed remorse in private. It is just slightly possible that he doesn’t think he owes the general public an apology over and above any regrets he has expressed in private.

I have an accordion folder full of all the aliens I have meticulously drawn over the last three or four years.

Matt Nix... Is that the guy who created Burn Notice?

I asked an honest question. Why did that merit a personal attack?

Honest question: Are blows jobs not, by their very nature, humiliating?

I understsand the Antiquities department there is stellar.

Maybe they’re like Babs and Buster Bunny. No relatoon.

I agree. Coulson is being wasted on the Agents of SHIELD thing. He needs to get called back up to the big leagues.

Nobody watched any of this stinker?

HIMYM’s ending is so bad it makes me actively avoid the show in syndication. Bad for the “here’s the love of his life— now she’s dead” part, unbearable for turning Barney into a stupid whining baby who throws away the love of his life.

Only one thing about the “single reactor” plot point. The devastation shown on screen looked to me like what I would expect from a major asteroid hit. Jedha, I expect, was rendered uninhabitable by the blast. I’m sure the Scarif explosion did likewise.

Only one thing about the “single reactor” plot point. The devastation shown on screen looked to me like what I would expect from a major asteroid hit. Jedha, I expect, was rendered uninhabitable by the blast. I’m sure the Scarif explosion did likewise.

Do you remember their program editing program? You had to code in the editor, then enter thousands of strings of 3 digit numbers correctly to install whatever program they were offering that month. Any single error meant none of it would “compile” and you had to scan all one zillion numbers from the magazine to

Alternate theory. The Sith draw their power from anger, hate, and aggression. The flaming hot reminder of the person who sentenced him to life on a respirator *might* give him a sort of Sith edginess.

Does he come with a tiny nuke to say “I am Groot” to?

And never clicked the play button. Imagine that.

Video speeded up every time xxxx happens is trendy now, but I honestly don’t see any point in it.

Was that a Wilhelm scream I heard?

Dead man’s switch.

I’m getting a serious Herculoids vibe from these designs.