
Are we really so culturally illiterate that we can’t even get a Back To The Future reference right?

You’re using social media right now...

I feel like we already had this conversation, back when it was called Battlestar Galactica.

Are you saying if I don’t eat the cookie I end up with THREE cookies?

Could you BE more mixed up?

This shit would never have happened on Days Of Our Lives.

entirely possible he had a back-up device that was activated at some point after the Note 7 became inoperable. People keep old phones despite the industry’s best attempts to get consumers to trade them in for credit.

I would turn it over. To bulldog-type personal injury attorney.

I really want to see the cast of Malcolm in the Middle as the entire Power Rangers team. Internet— make it so!

I’m shocked. Shocked!

I said before and I’ll say it again. The police dance routine would have worked, provided it was done to Michael Jackson’s “thriller”.

Odd. we were sent a press release stating that Samsung would do that, plus they would offer a $25 gift card and would replace accessories if you chose a different model.

The process with my carrier is fairly straightforward.

I'm old enough not to care what's "best for me". I want what I like and don't need change for change's sake.

The New Madrid fault Will “go off” and it isn't a matter of fracking. The actual New Madrid fault is in Missouri, isn't it? I'm unconvinced that fracking in Oklahoma would have any effect on that fault.

My personal theory is that this quake is a precursor to action along the New Madrid faultline. As this quake was four mikes under ground I'm not convinced it's a frack quake.

I’m not that familiar with the Biblical lore and/or the Lucifer comic. Who is Lucifer’s Mom exactly?

Now that I’ve actually watched this video it’s clear to me that io9 is truly desperate. Rob... what gives?

the fan community likes the director, copying from earlier movies is “an homage”. If we’re sour on the guy it’s "a ripoff".

So how’s Kubo doing out of the gate?