
Sure, why not?

Ok, I totally misread that as “ Rowan Atkinson” contributed the voice of Doomsday.

Didn't he also say that John Harrison =/= Khan?

Never saw it. My comment is simply meant to illustrate that Big Hero 6 was much more memorable in my own experience than in yours apparently. I did not get a “focus grouped to death” feeling from it either.

I saw it once. I remember the car chase thought the dark, empty city with the good guys crammed in a tiny car with the bad guy using in pursuit with an army of microbots. I remember the scene with Hiro’s brother racing into the burning building and dying there. I remember the “low battery”scene. I remember the

What’s a Sleestak?

Was that Mrs. Kravitz from Bewitched?

In a fictional universe where tiny sentient beings are a possibility, the holograms are blurry and distorted because we, the audience, needs a visual cue that it is a projection instead of a physical presence.

My completely head-canon explanation is that the first trooper he ever sees die is his lover. That snaps his conditioning and puts him in the F**k this mentality that allows him to free a prisoner, and shoot at his comrades in his escape.

Only she did choose dishonor, didn't she?

Phasma’s actions only make sense if in the next movie she is revealed to be a deep-cover resistance agent.

I saw it like this— the one whose blood ended up on Finn’s helmet was a friend (or girlfriend). Then he watched his other buddies murder a bunch of villagers in cold blood. They’re no longer his friends at that point.

Foot chariots of fire.

Space Pirates?

Leia’s likely the one who named him Ben, wouldn’t you think? She’s more likely to know her family history of how Obi Wan was her mother’s protector.

Why wasn’t Bill the Cat wasn’t pictured as Emperor Palpatine? Seems like a no-brainer.

Still searching for my lost bat-shaker of salt...

I wonder how much of that change in tone was due to the Batman series that started during Lost In Space’s second season?

I see that a Harrison Ford Finger of Doom is in full effect for the new Star Wars.

Parker Industries? Missed oportopportunity should have been named ParkCorp