
Roy G Bivolo? Really?

I'm going to go ahead and repeat my own prediction. Next year Apple will launch an iPhone 6 Mini, which will have the styling of the 6 and the screen size of the 5S.

I ptefer to think he's just a little guy with tiny wheels. Tiny wheels don't work well on sand. Tiny wheels get clogged with Bantha poodoo.

Fancy tracking watch is a Samsung Galaxy Gear. I believe the first generation of the product, to be exact.

Although I am a little sad that Snoopy's encounter with the Red Baron involved no shooting. Snoopy's dreams of being a WWI flying ace seem diminished if he isn't getting his doghouse shot to hell by his imaginary nemesis.

It could have been a Smurf's-type horror. It could have been an "ironic" updating of the characters and themes.

I'm gonnago ahead and make a prediction based on nothing but what I've read online. Jenna Coleman will be the next regeneration of the Doctor. The big reveal at the end of Capaldi' tenure will be that his future self needed to guide him through whatever existential crisis he's currently undergoing.

Why would you ask that. I said "I know it's silly" which I thought indicated that I know there is no rational basis for my preference.

I know it's silly, but I feel genuine anger every time I hear someone pronounce the word "yesterday" without the "r".

Readingthis, my main takeaway is that Shaw will be the character whose death will punch me in the gut this season.

You guys have a real Coburn boner lately.

Didn't see the movie. Can anyone show me the same scene in finished form?

Not bad if you're OK with working in a mine for our robot overlords— I mean protectors.

Am I the only one who remembers Larry Tate slowly turning in to a pill-popper? Samantha would twitch up some magic, and Larry's reaction would to whip out a prescription bottle.

so you're making the "subversive" argument you denied the original poster. I find it hilarious in the same way I fine Gilligan's Island hilarious—as a window on to the culture of its age.

Seems harsh. It's still one of my favorites in reruns.

Those horrible, horrible mimeograph machines that churned out page after faded page of blue printed worksheets for 1970s school children.

ET. Damn you Android phone

came here for an ET is Fucking terrifying rant. Was not disappointed.

I recall my kid had one almost exactly like that. I had to order it from japan via Amazon because the toys had kind of fallen out of fashion in the USA at the time.