

I have relatives in OK who routinely shoot coyotes. Coyotes go after calves, chickens and other livestock. Since you can't ride herd over every animal in your pasture, you eliminate the threats when you can.

Has anyone mentioned this one yet?

that's why I picked the picture that I did. They're arguably a better duo than R2D2 and C3PO

Dent. Arthur Dent.

You can get used to that. In my case there was no choice. My breathing was being interrupted something like 100 times an hour. I was having trouble staying alert at work, was in danger of dozing while driving, and literally could not get out of bed on my days off. The machine saved my life.


You could used to buy a frozen "turkey with stuffing" entree from Stouffer's. It consisted of two pouches— one with sliced turkey and gravy and another with what looked like an oblong brown hockey puck.

Didn't one of Anne Rice's novels make a big deal about Lestat feeding on menstrual blood. Might have been the Devil one? Anyone remember?

It's the Internet. Fiddling with ourselves is basically all we do!

It's weird. Over the last few days I have been struggling to remember a dried-out ball of plant fibers that my family bought while we were on vacation in California. The idea was to place it in water and it would come to life and green up. I really don't remember what it looked like green— all I have in my memory if

I'm sorry what?

it was clear to me that Rocket didn't know Groot could regroup himself.

I'm sorry, I stopped caring about this months and months ago.

he's the bastard offspring of Douglass Adams (creator) and Arthur Dent (his protagonist in HHGTG)

I'm lso presuming he worked for the real estate firm Hotblack Desiato.

Arthur Douglas? Really? Was his creator a fan of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy?

I once read that there was a connection between the consumption of ice cream AND black tea and kidney stones. The idea was that the tannic acid in the tea reacts with the calcium in the ice cream.

*Still* drawing these damn aliens. Here's one juggling cell phones.