
that was Kool and the Gang.

What about Captain Kool and the Kongs? Or did they just exist in my head?

in high school there were Commodore Pet and TRS 80 computers in the lab. Those were exciting days.

I owned a Commodore 64. I also held out until my mom shelled out money she didn't really have for the model 1541 floppy disk drive

I'll allow it.

Where's she putting that stick is all I want to know.

Good. Good!!

my online friends and I hate-watched terrible ABC sitcom "Mixology" which has gone on to cancellation already.

I had a uncle who swore he had owned a cat who liked to perform oral on other cats. He told crude stories about his gay cat. Now I'm not sure he was making it up.


I believe that the movie might be awesome but also not be any "good". I remember watching Brazil when I was in college and getting the feeling I missed half of the point. Still I was amazed at the awesome imagery.

I thought this article should have been subtitled "A defense of Rob's writing skillz"

Still drawing the aliens...

Why not? Disney's already had one ass-kicking princess. What's wrong with adding Leia to the list?

yeah, I thought it was going to be "big ass crawfish" which is a thing that exists.

Really? We're surprised by this? I mean, is it still ok to make fun of people who read Twilight?

Ia!! Tom Cruise f''taghn!

ooohhh yyeeaaaahhhh..

so part of this rebuttal is that the name "Fern" seems less feminine than "Camille" which seems like bogus reasoning to me. I'm not a scientist, but B>S smells like B>S to me.