
And drinking beer based mainly on how much I like the bottle art.


but is it pronounced GIF, or... Never mind.

"Really not that bad." should be put on posters and banner ads.

it's a perfectly cromulent word.

I still predict that the Machine ordered root to steal those servers because it intends to use them to assimilate Samaritan. What the machine does not know is how much such a synthesis will change both of the original AIs.

but would still certainly have been pursued by the empire. It's not like there aren't a thousand imperial commanders who remember her tearing sh*t up during the war and for whom finding her to present to her old master would be a major career boost.

you're right, of course. Here's what happened. The "Rebels" team went into the spy business and were assigned the code name "Bothan".

wait. Characters the exist in the time between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope are totally still around thirty years after the Empire was overthrown, but for some reason were totally and completely absent for the events that brought down said empire.

Rob, your FAQ columns are perhaps my favorite thing you do. The Prometheus one in particular is worth rereading. I hope you do more of them, including this year's upcoming blockbusters and perhaps the next Star Wars.

Taking the word of the person who is sort of famous for making up fictitious "insiders" so he could post "spy" reports about scripts and production details? I came to the conclusion a while back that AICN is not a credible source about, well, anything.

Am I the only one mildly put off by the description of the Interstellar trailer? I mean, does it have to come down to "saving the world"?

I met him briefly at a Dallas comic con event last year. I paid for an autograph. while he wasn't overly effusive, I did not sense that he thought he was above it all. He was a bit persnickety— did not want people touching the table he was signing on so as not to jostle and ruin the signature, and his conversation was

My theory is that The Machine (Northern Lights) is going to attempt to assimilate the other machine (Samaritan). That's the reason the first machine wanted a sample of the second machine's server system.

What if the person yet yo be named will be playing Ashoka Ano

...who stepped in poop and had a frog tongue that got stuck to a dead animal in a marketplace...

jar jar junior junior?

does that explain why, when he finally goes home, the scene of his meeting the kids plays out the same way as it had all the times before?

Oklahoma more nerdy than Texas? Bloody Hell. I moved out of OK too soon. Seriously, though the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History gives my home state a decent nerdy boost.

after the way HIMYM ended, I'd be okay with a reboot.