
I saw Pacific Rim for a five dollar admission.

Rob, you're a tease. Where's that Wolverine FAQ you casually mentioned on twitter?


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Pachythulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

Fair enough. I haven't had my coffe yet, so I might be a tad argumentative.

Well, gee. The alternative is to learn Chinese and get fluent enough to be able to detect the nuances in wordplay. That's not particularly feasible if you want to reach a larger audience outside of your native community.

Rob, you're a sadist. If she watched Game of Thrones she'd very possibly throw herself off a building.

In layman's terms— cloud boobs

This isn't Yemeni! It's Sulawesi!

You didn't find the idea of super intelligent, millimeter long creatures living on the surface of a neutron star o be weird?

Have you read Neverwhere?


I learned!

Now picture Al Bundy as Iron Man and that's box office gold.

Pfft. Iron Man would be a great running back. Picture Tony Stark in the classic Heisman Trophy stuff arm pose, only instead of trying to manually fend off tacklers, he's giving them repulsion blasts that knock them 20 yards out of his way.

Those are interesting points.

Thank you. That was my thought exactly. I'm glad I'm not the only one who came to that conclusion.

Sorry I'm late here, but sheesh. This article is preposterous.

That's a motif from the original series. Sagan releases a bunch of dandelion seeds. The camera follows one, which transforms into the "spaceship of the imagination"

Yeah, I'm with you. I was underwhelmed. I know I am supposed to love and revere Tyson, and I do admire him, but I'm just reacting to this with a "meh."