
I'm just wondering. Do you have to attend gymnastics and ninja fighting colleges as a prerequisite to working in Gotham's crime industry?


I think I'll have a heart attack and Die from that surprise.

If a "bad robot" does not make a cameo in the new Star wars, I shall be extremely disappointed.

I know someone who would just Love to have this image.

I bet Taraji P. Henson (from Person of Interest) would be great as the new chief.

Ooh. Edgy.

Station will be defended by their own attorney. Haywood Yusumi

Pfft. If Fonzie wants to impress mr, he needs to be jumping a sharknado

Lets retcon that then, shall we? Padme doesn't die. That part was an elaborate ruse by both her and Obi Wan to protect her from her murderous husband. The babies are sent away, but Padme goes back undercover as a handmaiden and stays near Leia. Kind of the way Obi Wan stays near Luke.

I'm suspicious of cgi myself. It's just that those freeze frames show almost exactly he same triangle formation photographed elsewhere. Why would this UFO be posed in exactly the same orientation as one captured on lim in, say Utah?

I'm sorry, but cell phone cameras are still pretty crappy. Digital zoom is a joke, and even a 13 megapixel camera is going to give an image of a tiny set of dots when pointed at something in the sky.

You and me both Analee. I'm so glad to have a kindred spirit here

I'm sure that the studio made them add That in. Some coked-up exec thinks no one will understand he ending so we better spell it all out.

That's he part the ruined it for you??

I'd be surprised if those were CGI. The movie came out in 1987. Even the CGI in Tron was faked.

Only if I recall, the "meeting my alien dad, and then coming back and no one believes me" is exactly the ending of he book Contact is based on.

i guess not then. I'm thinking of someone who stomps at topless robot.

MrEko, do I know you from omewhere else? i swer I've only seen that Homer GIF on one other website.