
clearly, the fact that this is a humor article eluded you. As a long-time reader of Rob's work, I can tell you two things.

stipulated. Can we also agree that a person willing to spend a billion dollars of his own money gets a certain amount of control over his own private endeavor?

So you'd be OK with sending a gay male astronaut to Mars with a straight male counterpart whose religious beliefs are against homosexuality? If religious beliefs don't enter into it, the can't enter into it on either side of the argument.

So in your opinion, the only acceptable mission to Mars is to send same-sex couples?

I thought I was alone remembering what a rotten movie Swamp Thing was. I remember walking across town in 100 degree heat to watch that movie. My buddy who wanted to see it had a pretty tough walk back home as the rest of us mocked him mercilessly for suggesting it.

Maybe it's because the lightning bolts look more dramatic coming from darker skin? I'd bet at least some of the characters were designed to be black in part to make a more exciting visual contrast.

Wasn't that "House of the Book" thing also Zordon's Command Center?

You're not 'seriously' suggesting that exposing four-year-olds to gratuitous, sadistically violent imagery is good for them. Because if you are, you and I have nothing to talk about, ever.

You never saw the parallels between POI and Batman? I always thought that they just split the "detective" and the "badass" parts of the batman character.

Imagine Indy trying to duck inside one of those fridges to save himself from being nuked.

That was kind of the joke. There was even that one episode where it blew up about 7 times.

they wouldn't blow up the enterprise.

I prefer "Young Hickory."

You coined a word here "evildar" which I am certain is going to be used as a character name somewhere down the line.

no worries. More entertainment for me.

Funny. In the version I watched, Luke hammers away on daddy pretty good, to the point that Vader can't even get up. Palpatine doesn't even get involved until Luke throws his saber down. And if the lightning is what killed daddy, why was Luke almost completely unaffected after a prolonged zapping?

I'm still going to float the theory that Mr. Finch "is" the machine in some sense. It may be completely nuts, but if it happens I want credit for calling it.

More importantly, has anyone introduced these a-hole aliens to the dickish dolphins from earlier this week?

You are missing out.

I seized the whole southwest from Mexico.