
Dammit Rob. You're dabbling with forces you can't control. I sense the approach of an eldritch horror from your past.

That damn episode sneaks up on me. Hilarious. Hilarious. Hilarious. Time to cry. Dammit!

Did you just start a flame war??

Now that's comedy!

Chandler: No. It's not like... like "Phil Spidermun". He's a spider-man. You know, like, uh, like Goldman is a last name, but there's no Gold-Man.

I think that the gear looks like a gear-shaped scar, which would have resulted when his doomsday contraption exploded in his face, throwing searing hot clockwork gears at him.

Now my takeaway is that you're a condescending ass. If you're not concerned about how the general public perceives things then you can't possibly be as smart as you think you are.

It's OK. You can be insulted on their behalf.

Blah blah blag. Long diatribe. As a non-scientist, I can assure you that this is exactly what 90% of everyone is going to infer from this article. Whether it is true or not (and I expect that it isn't) the people who did this study need to be aware that they are setting the gaming community up to be blamed for a

I'm surprised at how much play this story is getting. If true, then the opposite must also be true— that playing 'bad guy' characters that murder people, hijack cars, and generally act like assholes must also lead people to behave badly in real life.

Reptar meets the Japanese SuperFriends?

Or. he should be forced to play ALL super heroes.


Is it just me or does that one outfit look like big Bird and the Wampa had a baby?

Does that last note ask why the Nazis had a copy of the amulet? How did Harrison not know about the guy with it burned onto his palm?

Why do you think most people come to websites like this? I'm nit ashamed to admit I have too much tie on my hands, and humbled by the fact that I haven't used that time to create something awesome.

Am I the only one wondering how this poor cat uses the litter box?

I am at the point of specifically crossing a movie off of my "to see" list when I find out Johnny Depp is involved. If I saw him just once in a film without 30 layers of face paint or a frikken' stuffed bird on his head, I might change my mind.

Rob, meet Doe Doe Park. Alas, it closed in 1985 after a long and sometimes controversial history.

Can't mentally *unsee* Judy Dench in cleaveage-revealing villain suit.