
I work with a bunch of people who are from India. Almost all of them would rather be in the USA than anywhere else. And there are people in countless other countries with similar attitudes. So yeah. I voted USA.

I used to watch my cat through my bedroom window as he was dive-bombed and mercilessly harassed by a bluejay in my neighbor's yard. The cat had no chance—he literally just cowered and hoped the jay would lose interest.

Do I have to hand in my "apprentice nerd" card if I admit I do not care one whit about a Justice League movie?

Of course. There is a perfectly insane theory about that which may just happen to be true.

That Power Rangers clip tickled my nostalgia bone. It struck the exact 1990's no-budget tone I would expect from MMPR.

Bah. That's exactly what I liked about the preview.

I found the image of dancing peanuts and cashews in space oddly disturbing.

In my day we used to cal this "hypochondria." My grandmother ran to her doctor every time she heard about some new malady from someone at church, convinced she also had symptoms. You don't have to be a medical student to "catch sick" from everyone around you.

That was one of the worst things I've ever seen.

what part of his body of work led you to believe he had an entirely mechanistic view of the Universe?

A movie with "real" giant fighting robots and by that I mean none of that Michael Bay nonsense?

Now I can't get the image of Qui Gon saying "whoaaaa..." out of my head.

Really? save the animals. Just kill the people who don't agree with you??

the Great Collapsing Hrung Disaster of Gal./Sid./Year 03758 which wiped out all the old Praxibetel communities on Betelgeuse Seven is shrouded in deep mystery: in fact no one ever knew what a Hrung was nor why it had chosen to collapse on Betelgeuse Seven particularly.

fun, fun fun...

In other news...

When I was a kid there was a largely Christian bookstore in my hometown that nevertheless had a large shelf full of the Gor books.

apparently yes.

I don't know. Looks kind of like he's wearing a Cylon helmet.

They need to design an extra-large pickle-jar sized version so we can have virtual Futurama Heads-In-Jars.