
"and the tv's in Esperanto. Well you know that that's a bitch. 'Cause alienation's for the rich and I'm feeling poorer every day."

The only thing that I can think of after looking at this article is that the metric system would be well and truly screwed. If humans chose a base 12 system of maths, the "wrong" American style system of measurements would have a head start on everyone else, who would have to start from scratch.

God help me, I loves me a good conspiracy theory.

Rob Bricken and poorly-edited text go together like peas-and-carrots.

Facebook, Zynga, and the marketing department of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation...

Is this one of those "super terriffic japanese things" I've been hearing about?

Do you guys get paid by the number of times you post the same picture of Benedict Cumberbatch grimacing at us?

"pee in the kiddie pool of Qunatum Physics?"

I know, because I read what you wrote in a David Attenborough voice. It was quite good.

Please tell me that mess of cables and duct tape isn't the interior of the International Space Station...

That really looks like a Dungeons and Dragons monster.

Congratulations! You've just summed up the entirety of the "morning spoilers" column.

I'm fairly comfortable being bitchy and nasty about new-age hipsters.

..If only there was a way to replace the ghost of "young Anakin" with the ghost of Phil Coulson...

I've been watching "Elementary" and was thinking that some element of the arch-nemesis was exactly what was missing from the show. I'm glad they're finally bringing up Moriarty.

I call BS ( -edit—on the guy above you— sorry posted under your reply not under his original comment!) I certainly can exercise a modicum of control. I can make sure my car is well-maintained. I can make sure I am driving safely and within the speed limits. I can be observant of other traffic. I can pull off the

Only I don't have cable television. Not even sure you can DVR stuff over the air...

This is my favorite television show and work has caused me to miss 60% of each of the last three episodes. I'm missing out and being a grown-up is to blame!

Reminds me of the time some punk (and by "punk" I mean "genius") told the demo iPhones in the store to call the user Asshole.

Having never seen the show, I know it is not my place to comment, but when did that ever stop me?