
Sounds like Nolan has recently watched some of the "Mirror Universe" episodes of Deep Space Nine.

One of Rob's very first articles on this site was a rousing "attaboy" to an episode of NCIS: LA that he felt showed nerds enjoying non-nerdy passtimes and the non-nerd of the show discussing comic books.


I would totally watch a show called "The Big Band Theory."

Maybe a bit off topic, but did anyone else get as big a kick out of the "Burn Notice" episode that had Bruce Campbell brutally mocking CSI in general and David Caruso in particular?

I haven't bought a comic book in 30 years or more. What problem are you referring to again??

Umm. Are you new??

Was that ever in doubt?

Try as hard as I might, I cannot understand the nerd-rage about this show. While I am not a comics or action-figure collector, I do think of myself as kind of a nerd, and I cannot see this show as offensive.

dammit clem. That's the joke I wanted to make.

Kaiju crayfish?

Am I the only one who thought the "Shannon" figure was going to turn out to be "Laura Palmer's Corpse" from Twin Peaks?

Hey thanks for sucking the joy out of it.

Clearly another NOT FFF entry. I like it and the fact that you are managing to sneak this past io9's offensensitivity detectors.

I'd totally watch that.

I wasn't going to mention that, but you're absolutely right. What chafes me is the constant Trek headline for this column day after day. even if I don't read the article, there's Cumberbatch grimacing at me every morning from io9's main page...

Let me see. This is January. That makes May 5 months away. I'd say five counts as "a few".

Is Star Trek the only movie coming out in the next few months? I only ask because this column features it every damn day. Am I the only one getting sick of seeing daily updates from the Star Trek disinformation campaign?

How did I know that this was going to be an "Istanbul (not Constantinople)" joke?

Don't listen to 'em Rob. Broken spelling is as American. As apple pie, hot dogs, and cheap scotch.