
One of them is literally metallic blue skin color and you’re asking if you can be dark brown and have hair options despite seeing various hair styles. You’re right, you are that guy.

The monster branded monster hunter is rather clever

My prediction for this game is that even if BioWare has the best of intentions, EA will screw it up with their greed, then blame BioWare when the game doesn’t sell enough to cover its huge budget (or does but doesn’t make enough of a profit to satisfy EA or its shareholders) and dismantle BioWare like they do every

The Guggenheim won’t fucking pay me $24,000,000 for my painting of a happy dog even though they spent 10x that on a Van Gogh!

She thinks she is worth more than $500,000. She is probably right.

That is one of the most disastrously horrid site layouts I’ve ever seen in my life, but the recipe? The recipe looks sound.

It was less about the profitability of one special and more about establishing themselves as THE destination for stand-up and stealing that crown from HBO.

This actually makes me feel better about the security of the switch as a person who has no interest in hacking it it’s comforting to know that it isn’t an easy process for someone to take control of my switch, not that there is much of value on a switch compared to say a cellphone or laptop.

I would say that even though I fall into that 99% that since becoming an adult I just do it because I can on my older consoles with no actual intention to pirate. Still, the pirate’s life for me.

I fully agree with you on this article. Now with that being said. You are also guilty of this same type of reporting.

preposterous shit like Leia Poppins

I am very upset that Pike’s Place Roast replaced House Blend as the always-on-tap coffee. It has no character and is completly boring. I think they were trying to make a coffee more like Dunkin Donuts’.

i use a aeropress, beats most solutions in the 300-1000 range

i must be in an alternate universe because every DD coffee I’ve had is watery dribble

Will the referee break them up before they can give voice to their true feelings?

I for one want to know these things so I can stop supporting companies that defend awful people.

It might be a misunderstanding of the cook time. Cook time starts once the pot comes to pressure (about the same as getting to a rapid boil). So if they are cooking a giant pot of soup that says cook for 15 minutes, it will take 30 minutes to get to pressure, then the cook time starts- so total time is 45 minutes.


“Supreme Leader Snoke, make way for Supreme Leader SWOLE.”

That book changed my whole outlook on food.

There's partly a physiological reason - between the ages of 2 and 4, kids' taste buds go through a lot of rapid changes. In particular, they become extremely sensitive to bitter flavors.