
Nah. The Switch is doing well, but not Wii levels of well to the point where it would be a benefit for Sony or even Microsoft to sideline what they are doing with the next Xbox or Playstation and get a Switch-like rival out on the market ASAP.

I don’t think Sony can make a successful handheld at this point in time. They burned Vita owners so bad with proprietary memory cards, abandoning first person titles early in the console’s lifespan, and allowing a bunch of publishers like Ubisoft and Activision to dump complete garbage onto the console when it needed

I am allowed to point out his lack of being objective

So you’re a writer but you don’t understand the form and function of the Persuasive Essay?

I also know this site has become some far left progressive crapstorm, which wants every game to be some liberal political mouthpiece.

Nobody likes the actual solutions, like stricter licensing and even tiered licensing that keeps brand new Mustangs with 300-400 hp out of the hands of 18 year olds.

Fuck Di-Fi.

Dude, you need to have some self-respect. You should only pursue someone when you think there’s a very good likelihood of them wanting to pursue you as well. I mean, even from a position of pure self-interest, life is too short to waste time on a bad bet.

Eject any thoughts of her rejection hurting your self-worth.

...so you’re telling me this whole movie is going to be a Jacob’s Ladder-type scenario?

This... film... is... BONKERS.

How stupid are you? Did you forget who is president?

All he has left is Rudi the Insane.

Yeeah, he also never once thinks about... y’know people having sex and making more babies. Reducing half of Earth’s population to ash would only bring it back to 1960s levels. Wipe that smile off your face, Thanos. You only saved the universe for 50 years.

I remember at one point there was an idea for a 7 samurai remake with 7 jedis stuck on a planet under siege.


Ohh those evil conservatives. Eyes rolled. Yeah we are eveil in your world because we deal in facts. The Starbucks thing was a setup to make some money. In major cities with big homeless problems(every single city with huge home less issues are run by your pals the Democrats btw) it is common place to have a you must

Tiffany is white and Trump still doesn’t give a damn about her.

Oh, I chose to only include major AAA action releases, we’re comparing it to GOW after all.

What are Microsoft’s first and second party devs doing this gen?!?

Okay, this getting ridiculous... Sony shouldn’t be winning over Microsoft this hard nor this easy: