
It could be read as typical behavior for an old man, same goes for his ‘sexist’ self-described beliefs, (but the writer doesn’t clarify that). Conceding that dirty old men exist and always have is not signaling approval of that existence.

Yeah, this is just sad.

Tiger can’t change his stripes.

In due time. I expect no less than fully functional emulators for both NES and SNES, exportable saves, *reeShop, themes, the works- like the 3ds. These are the same people after all.

Has he been through therapy before, perhaps for PTSD or other trauma related to his combat?

There’s a note on the fridge in the break rooms.

Beef tallow for one. They forgot to mention they (corporate fast foods) replaced beef tallow as a frying agent with vegetable oil. They did so under pressure from the WHO, AHA, AMA and animal right’s groups ie vegans as part of the saturated fat witch-hunts that those agencies built their power upon. Turns out veg

“Bittenbinder says he’s fudging the truth “to get laughs.”

Any form of ‘Jambalaya’. It’s how fast food places profit off of leftovers.

“Meanwhile, my friends I’ll go out with are completely out of their heads, alcoholics, addicted to tons of drugs, getting fired from multiple jobs because they can’t show up not-drunk, women are straight up getting their numbers and sending them nude photos.”

Good, Comedians should never apologize for a joke.

Hmm. I’ve got some tougher love for Him. Take some fucking responsibility for your marriage and get off the goddamn game before your wife leaves you.

Remember when Nintendo had the chance to go with the brand new Tegra chip but opted to go with the older, cheaper, more hackable chip instead?

What happened to all that money people raised?

A corn-puff is so simple a carb it may as well be made of it.

Great episode! This makes me think, what if I don’t WANT to be streamed?

All the shooting in this game feels loose and floaty. Maybe if bullets actually seemed to impact where you were aiming, the shotgun wouldn’t be the ONLY option.

“the cornerstone of an athlete’s diet is carbohydrates.”

Nah, Fifth Element has literal pop icons like that blue alien singer and Chris Tucker’s character who, I guess, the whole galaxy listens to.

Zuckerberg had his covered. If it’s good enough for him it’s good enough for me.