
Such poor planning. No security, or velvet ropes, and you arrange the expensive ass art like a giant game of fucking dominoes.

It’s so much better then on the PS2 (Typo?) the 2x feature is amazing and the Zodiac Job System version this is based on is way better then the original we got.

Have you tried bastion?

I’m actually pumped about having another choke point busting tool in the arsenal for attackers. It sucks being stuck at the choke on kings row A and hanamura A with nothing to break an Orisa or Rein shield quickly enough to initiate a real team fight. I like that there’s an option to go straight through if the player

I couldn’t agree more. We know what he means, but let’s rip his head off and shame him to death anyway.

Meh, already been done.


Somewhere in Blizz HQ there is almost certainly a wall that is like this:

Yes, he is very wrong for not delivering a dissertation covering the breadth of the topic during this interview.

Nope. Statutory rape laws in Minnesota posit if an individual is between 16 and 18, as long as the older individual is no more than four years older than the younger individual, no law has been broken.

And where all his biscuits are oonderbaked.

Joe is 74 years old. He worked hard all his life and then became a great politician who ended up being next to the most powerful man in the universe. Now their 8 years are done and an orange guy lives in their house.

It was already monetized with advertising on every single page. That didn’t bother me, even when it was annoying auto-playing videos - hell, almost every dollar I’ve made in the last seven years has come from advertising.

Well that’s great for them to do this... AFTER they had their anniversary event when I only got 1 fucking skin.

No. HDL and LDL are both required for the body. But LDL has two subtypes. (For more info read this: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2014286/ ) And eating cholesterol doesn’t give you cholesterol. This was bad science many decades back when eggs were give a bad rep. But your body mostly synthesiszes the

USA Today needs to get their shit straight. They label LDL Cholesterol as “bad” and that it’s a cause of heart disease. This is false (partially). Small particle sized LDL is pro inflammatory and can lead to cardio vascular issues, yes. But, saturated fats such Coconut Oil are excellent and promote large particle

Eat, sleep, train.

Totilo: We at Kotaku have heard the feedback—and I’ve even worried about it myself–that the lack of cloud save and even the back-up option I can do with my 3DS [can cost people their save files if they lose their Switch]… do you guys hear that message?

What’s so satisfying about this, in a “it completes the perfect circle” kind of way, is that Trump backed into the biggest political scandal in a generation because he’s a dumbass fuckwit who thought that he could use outer borough-style intimidation on the director of the fucking FBI. Hey, it worked in Jersey, why