
whatever. She still won the popular slope.

“Let’s not be a dick about this”

I disagree.

Picture of said teens. Apparently they were looking for a g-g-g-g-ghost.

Who is being a dick? I didn’t say I’m thankful that they were shot.

Thank god they’ve got excellent health care!

What are these people smoking that are saying that AM2R looks better than this new one? I appreciate the retro-aesthetic as much as the next guy, but I think Samus Returns looks fantastic. (Oh, and a bit of advice to whomever wants to spend 6 years recreating a Nintendo game without their permission - don’t do it -

Nintendo is doing some cool stuff with open worlds. This game looks crazy and fun, and the mini levels scattered around the open world look great. They brought up Super Mario Sunshine a lot when discussing this game and I can definitely see the similarities.

Now playing

And rightfully so. Fuck people who think they can just take and use anyone else’s material.

They’d have shut it down anyway.

Your condescending attitude is absolutely unwarranted. Nobody has a problem paying modders what they’re worth. Everyone has a problem with Bethesda trying to get their cut, and trying to implement a system that just encourages piracy. Quite frankly, Bethesda can’t even release their remasters without years old bugs.

Republicans in Congress: Proving you don’t have to be in bed with the Russians* to still be traitorous scumbags.·

And once again the bitterness over this show begins to rise in the back of my throat...

Its funny because they hate most Americans and want them to die.

Now playing

Bill O’Rielly [sic] did interview Barack Obama.

Oh, i thought these were new Paladins characters for a second there.

Much like secondhand smoke

Not Hot Dog

“Competitive metagame evolves, eventually calcifying into a monolithic, fairly static hierarchy where a handful of decks are considered good, and the rest are difficult to win with.”

It was missing something so I added it. ;)