
I wouldn’t wanna work at Blizzard, most of all on Overwatch. Probably can’t take a piss without someone getting offended about it.

Now playing

Can’t really think of anything else to say...

She’s trying so hard to make excuses for him supporting trump.



Lol, this is probably the biggest ransomware attack in history and you call coverage of it “FUD?” Do you even know what this acronym stands for? Good Lord, you anti-Giz trolls are getting lazier by the day. Don’t you have any dank Hogan memes to dish out, brother?

I used to think this way but the fact is you’re just delaying the inevitable. Nothing is permanent. Someday you will die... Someday we’ll get to a point where our current display devices won’t be backwards compatible with Blu-Ray players. Someday your harddrive full of movies will stop working. It’s just how it

I’ll take that.

“Trump kinda outsmarted them getting elected”

What is digital? And it’s very complicated, you have to be Albert Einstein to figure it out.

I loved the show. It’s definitely stronger than the movie, but that’s because it has more time to flesh out the characters. In fact, I’d expect a second season to at least improve on all the criticisms laid out here. It definitely seems like it’s setting itself up for a deeper look into Sam and Gabe.

That’s not true at all. Inquisition started development just a few months after DA2. I know this because I wrote about it in a book that’s coming out soon ;)

It’s honestly hard to decipher what your point is - are you arguing that Deadspin should never criticize a public figure like Berman, because he’s a human and has loved ones would could tragically die someday for reasons entirely unrelated to the site’s criticism of him? Or are you arguing that they should ridicule

Well they should’ve rolled higher.


The US has a long, sordid history of rugged individualismthat is mostly bullshit. Politicians appeal to that idea and get people to go against their own best interests so the politicians can funnel money to their buddies instead of building a society.

Counter point - screw your strategy.

Oh, the NSA monitored your communications against your will? Congratulations, join the rest of the population of the United States.

I’d buy just for fun if it Nintendo had an ID system that let me swap my ID back and forth and I could download my purchased games on both systems accordingly.

Naah man, smelly feet problem here and I use cotton socks. It helps, but it's not enough.